Chapter 28: The Way My World Ends.

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Tangle pov:

Me and Whisper finally make it to the cliff overlooking the bunker, where Y/N said he was. I can see where he was laying in the grass, and some indentation in the dirt. It looks like he was trying to draw something with his knife. I lay where he was, and look down at the bunker. It's just as I lay down that my legs feel like jelly. I sigh, put my head down for a moment, exhausted from the run. I then lift it back up, only to see Y/N and Spark at the bunkers entrance, trying to open the door.

I hurriedly grab Whisper and start running down the hill. I text Y/N, and tell him not to go in, and that we're almost there. About 10 minutes of running later, we're at the Bunker door. We see that it's open, and Y/N is nowhere to be seen. "Be cautious, he hides in the shadows, and plays mind games." I don't say anything, I just nod, and walk into the building. I go in one direction, while Whisper goes another.

As I walk down the corridors created by the huge steel shelves, I see they are lined with boxes. I wonder whats in all of them... I check all of my corners, and I can't find anything. After a bit of walking, I hear voices, one of them sounds like mine. "...have you been!? I was so worried!"

I look around the corner of one of the steel racks, and see Mimic, disguised as me, across the room from Y/N, who is still suspicious. "Where's Whisper?" "Searching the other side if the bunker. We can-" As soon as he says that we all hear Whisper yelp from across the bunker, firing her wispon. Y/N looks at the fake me, nodding in understanding. "Ok, let's go." They run towards the noise, to which I start panicking.

"Y/N, wait!"

He doesn't hear me, and I try to keep running after them, but I trip over something and fall. I lay there, panting for a bit. I try to get up, but it's difficult. I'm exhausted from the run over here. Eventually I get up, and try to walk. It hurts a bit on my ankle, probably sprained it. Oh well, I can keep going. I keep on run in the direction that Y/N and Mimic went.

As I run I see a huge vault that takes up an entire wall. Like, huge! It would take all of the ancient treasures and gold in the world to fill it! What would Eggman ever need that much space for..? I shake my head to clear my thoughts, and continue running, determined to find Whisper and Y/N. After a while I hear more fighting, and run towards it. I turn a corner, and see that Y/N is fighting Whisper. "I know you're Mimic! I know it!" Whisper is just quiet, focusing on the battle.

I quickly run to them, breaking them up. "Guys! Stop! You're hurting each other!" They're now a couple feet away from each other, and I'm in the middle of them. "Now... there has to be a way that we know it's the real us... Whisper, when did you tell us the story of how your friends died?" She seems a bit sad as I say it, but she answers anyway. "Few days ago, got back from fighting Mimic the first time." I nod to her. "Ok, you're the real Whisper... Y/N, what's the name of your wisp?" "Spark..." He sounds out of breath. "Ok... we're all real... but that leaves... Where's Mimic?"

We all stick really close to each other, looking around for Mimic. We walk around for a few minutes, before we get to the other end of the wall. It's covered in some old parchment paper. "Where could he have gone?" I think out loud. "Maybe he doubled back, ran off." Y/N answers. Whisper looks a bit paranoid. "Never runs without a reason..."

Suddenly Y/N looks paranoid too, like he hears something. "Whats up?" "Shhh!" He puts his ear next to the parchment paper, and rips it off the wall. Behind it we see the wall is covered in improvised explosives. They're timed, we have 20 seconds. Before I turn around to run, I see a note next to one. "You know what beats co-ordination? Bombs."

"Oh, shit!"



We all start running to the entrance, fueled purely on instinct.



I hear Whisper. "Entrance is too far, we'll never make it!"


My brain suddenly clicks as I remember the vault. Thick steel, cut off from everything else, it's perfect!


"Guys, I saw a vault on my way over, we'll be safe in there!"








We make it to the vault, and I takes all three of us to open the door.





The door is open, and Whisper is the first one inside.


Then I get inside.


Y/N looks like he realized something, and tries to push the door shut himself.



We all hear the explosions, the last thing I see is Y/N diving behind the vault door, then Whisper grabs me, trying to pull me deeper into the vault. The explosion sends the vault, and by extention, us, flying through the air. I see that the door is gone. I feel nauseous as I spin around inside the vault, so I close my eyes, trying to dull the feelling that i might throw up. The vault hits something, and I'm slammed against the wall, knocking me out.

Tangled In Chaos. (Tangle The Lemur x Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now