Chapter 57: We Need A Break...

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Tangle pov:

As I run at the targets, all I can see in my mind is Mimic and Eggmans faces plastered on them. I jump on the first, kicking it. I then use the momentum to propel me to the next one, destroying it using my tail. The third and final one was across the room, on my way to it I grab a burst wispon that was laying on a shelf, and aim it at the target, pulling the trigger, engulfing it in flames. After I'm done I put the wispon back where I got it and sit down, breathing heavily.

The flame wisp pops out of the weapon and looks at me, concerned. "I'm sorry I just... need to blow off some steam." The wisp nods, and slowly curls up on my lap. I smile and start petting it, feeling a bit better. "Thanks..." I sigh and decide to take a look at my phone. Scrolling through all of the miscellaneous notifications, I see something that interests me. My music app is still running, so I take out my earbuds and start listening to some music. I've been going at it for a while, so now I'll just relax and sit here for a while.

After a bit, and a couple of songs playing, I open my eyes and stretch. The wisp is still in my lap, so I gently pick it up and place it on the counter, trying my besr not to waie it up. I then stand up and look at the time. It's 9:27 P.M. Wow, I stayed out pretty late... I hope Y/N is isn't too worried. I quickly make my way to the food court to grab us some food, when I remember I hadn't even eaten the stuff I grabbed this morning... I haven't eaten all day. Oh god, I hope Y/N doesn't say anything about it. I'd hate to worry him, especially right now. I quickly get some food for him and make my way back to the room.

When I get there I open the door, and see that Y/N is shaking, and Spark is desperately trying to wake him. I set the food down and quickly sit next to him, trying to wake him up. I look down and see that he's scratching his own arms down to the flesh. I pull his hands away, and shake him harder. Eventually he wakes up with a jolt and a loud yelp. He looks at me, his face stained with tears. "T-Tangle?" I nod to him and smile. "Yea baby, I'm here!" He suddenly hugs me tight, crying. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" "For what?" "I-I almost hit you..." I'm a bit confused by this. "You did?"

He nods, and I decide to just wait until he's calmed down to ask any more questions. After a bit, he's calmed down a bit, and lie him down. I lay down with him, and hold him tight. Before I speak, I grab some gauze and rubbing alcohol from the drawer. "Ok, this is going to sting." I gesture towards his arms, and he lets me grab one. "I hadn't even noticed I was doing it..." I sigh. "it's ok... just prepare yourself." I pour the alcohol onto his scratches.

As soon as I do, he starts trying to move away from it, stifling a yell. I hug him tight. "I'm so sorry... but I have to do this..." He nods slowly, and gives me his other arm. I do the same thing, and this time the yell comes out. "Aaghhh! Fuck!" He punches the matress as hard as he can, which doesn't do much. I sigh, and start bandaging his cuts. "Ok, hard parts over." As I wrap the bandages around his arms, he cuddles into me. "I feel... so safe, with you around..." I feel an obvious blush, and a warm feeling welling up inside my stomach. Oh my god, he's so freakin adorable! I smile and lay down onto my pillow, bringing him down with me.

"Ok, so what happened?" He explains a dream he had, about how Mimic killed him, and nobody would help... and how he wouldn't believe me. "I'm so sorry... it's all my fault..." "No it isn't! It's not your fault, don't ever say that!" He looks away from me, and I can tell he's ashamed of something. "B-But..." "But nothing! What happened wasn't your fault! It's Mimic and Eggmans fault!"

He looks down, then back up at me. "Will you... please come with me tomorrow? I don't think I can handle being alone at the moment..." I suddenly grin really big. "You think I'd let you go alone? You must be crazy." He laughs quietly, and lays against my chest. He then starts singing suddenly. "I'm crazy.... Crazy for feeling, so lonelyyyyy!" I laugh, and sing with him for a while. He looks so happy now... I wish I could keep him like this always. "I'm sorry I was gone all day." "It's fine, I just... the nightmare was the only thing that happened really." I then realize something, and look down at him.

"Do you want to talk about Mimic? He seems to be the root of your issues." He sighs and hesitates, then speaks. "I know I can beat him in a one on one fight..."

"But the thing is, he knows that too."

"So he's going to use every sneaky tactic he can to trip me up." I nod and realize something. "Well then all you have to do is keep that in mind! Just remember that he'll do that." He nods, and my stomach growls loudly. He laughs quietly. "You never ate your breakfast!" I blush a bit. "This whole thing has gotten me a bit anxious too, so I had to go blow off some steam." He smiles happily. "Yea, I get it. But if that's the case, you should go shower, then we'll eat." I blush even more, and stand up quickly. "Fine, dad!" He smirks as I get up.

"I'm not a father... yet."

My eyes widen, and I blush even more as he says that. "S-Shut up dude!" I hurry to the bathroom as I hear him laughing behind me. I shut the door, and put my face in my hands. Well, at least he seems to be feeling better. He always knows how to push my buttons, and it always works. I hop in the shower and clean myself, eager to get back outside to Y/N.

After a bit of cleaning, I get out of the shower and dry myself, looking in the mirror. I brush my hair, and afterwards move on to my tail. With everything that's happened, I haven't had a lot of time to take care of myself... maybe we can have some time to relax after this... just me and Y/N... nobody else.

Oh, that would be wonderful!

A/N: Thank you all for over 7k reads on this story! The numbers are slowly going up, just like... the amount of nukes in Russia!

Tangled In Chaos. (Tangle The Lemur x Male Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now