Death, the living being

Start from the beginning

Blood dripped out of my mouth as I slowly stood back up. I wiped it off my lip quickly.

Lyu then had to jump back since the worm was now protecting Jura.

Jura's face twisted in pain as he looked at the dagger inside his arm.

"Well, that was close!" Jura said madly, "Too bad you're a clumsy shot! Dumbass!"

"Nope," I said with a slight hollow smile "I had poison on it. That was why I threw that one and not my Unicron horn knife,"

His eyes widened as he looked at the knife in his arm. He kept it in there to keep from losing too much blood but now that he kept it in the "Poison," Would spread more.

He ripped it out and threw it, and his breathing started to become heavier.

"It's slow-moving, so you won't die too soon. First, it'll start with your breathing as it is now. It will continue to get heavier and heavier. Next will be the strength in your legs-"

As I was talking Lyu charged at the worm and the Worm met her head on as Jura raised his whip with a shaky arm and slashed it again.

The two were locked in combat as I was speaking. I slowly started to walk over to the battle as I finished up

"Then, when your legs give out, you'll fall. You then realize you don't have the strength to pick yourself up. Then lastly, after 5 minutes of just laying there...You'll die,"

His legs then started shaking as I burst into a sprint to meet up with Lyu.

We kept on trading attacks with it but its durability was very high, making it difficult to land a hit that would actually hurt it. It was covered in cuts but not one actually managed to slow it down.

"Fuck! FUCK!" I heard Jura screaming. "NOW I WON'T SEE IT...I WON'T SEE IT!"

I then jumped above the worm and started charging my skill Egoistic Desire. I kept on running while Lyu, who saw what I was doing started to take more work. 

I kept on dodging while Jura was too fed up with his own thoughts as his legs finally started to give out and he fell to the ground. His breathing was heard all the way over here.

Then after two minutes, Lyu's wooden sword sliced through just a bit of the skin again. I activated my shadow spikes using the shadow of the dungeon room we were in.

A giant spike appeared and pierced it right in the middle. Perhaps making a final effort to try and live despite its master's wishes it burrowed underground. Hoping to try and escape death.

'It'll die with injuries like that,'

There was no need for concern. Plus that left us with Jura alone now.

"HAAAA...HAAAA!" His breathing was even worse as his voice started sounding horse.

"Bell, I said could do it," 

When Lyu said this she wasn't angry, but rather just upset she couldn't do it herself.

"Just watch this," I turned to face Jura "Want to know something cool? The blade was never poisoned in the first place,"

Both their eyes widened. 

"But then why-"

Before Lyu could finish Jura screamed 


"Because you believed it. I told you it was poisoned and it made sense since I used my dagger that wasn't the unicorn horn. Believing it yourself made you think you were experiencing the effects itself, which led to you crying on the ground now,"

That was also why I made sure to explain everything, by making him know what was going to him in detail tricked his mind into thinking it was real.


"Why can't you move?" I asked him "It's because you're an idiot. You still can't bring yourself to believe I'm telling the truth. And I don't blame you, most people have no idea when I lie, but I will tell you this. You were never poisoned and you won't die from poison,"

His face turned pale as he tried to lift his body up which his mind still told him was impossible. Lyu slowly approached him.

"W-wait...L-Let's talk first alright?"

Just then, a whole bunch of explosions went off. I couldn't tell where but it seemed to ring around all over the place. On this floor and above us.

"JURA!" Lyu then instead of attacking him grabbed his limp body by the shirt "WHY ARE TRYING TO SUMMON IT AGAIN?!"

"It was beautiful, that's why," he closed his eyes like remembering a cherished memory. "I could remember that massacre whenever I shut my eyes. I want to see it again,"

Then Lyu was about to stab him in the neck when I grabbed her blade with my hand and stabbed him in the neck with the Hestia knife I picked back up.

"Bell!" She yelled "I thought you said I could-"

"I never said that, plus I think you should try to give up killing. I know that dwarf was out of my control but when you're around me I won't be letting you kill anyone,"

If I had gotten to her earlier then maybe I could have saved her from killing the Drawf. But I refuse to let her turn out like me, so  I will gladly cut anyone she wishes to but I will never allow her to do it herself.

There was something that I realized after Fels yelled at me. That killing is still killing. Regardless of whether or not the person was evil had nothing to do with that fact, so I'd like to prevent her from doing it as much as possible.

Not saying that I would be able to keep her from it all the time. If she were attacked by high-level adventurers and was left with no choice then what could you do? But, if she has the option then she should not.

Then, almost like it was turned on and off like a button the explosions stopped. And a cry rang out.

The Dungeon was screaming.


"BELL GET OUT! NOW!" Lyu grabbed my hand. I hoped this meant she forgave me a little for what I did.

I wanted her to explain but my intuition was screaming something was wrong. I looked at Lyu.

"...Running isn't going to help is it?"

This feeling wasn't something like the overpowering presence of the minotaur. It was...Death. It was death as a living and breathing form. And it was here to take everyone's lives.

Lyu looked down and nodded. It appeared she also had known running was going to help.

When I got a better look at her face though I noticed she was crying.

"Please Bell...I can buy some time but please just go. I...I don't want to see anyone die to this thing again,"

I let out a light half smile. "I won't die. I promise you that,"

I then turned to the tunnel that connected this huge area and awaited this presence that I had not seen nor heard of but still waited for the thing that was sure to try and take my life.

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