Relationship Chicken (pt 3)

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As a long-living god or demi-god depending on who you ask, Loki had many memorable moments, these included the first time he was able to successfully use a seidr, successful pranks played on both Thor and others, the first time someone sought his company both for pleasure and outside of it, any moments spent with his mother, and so many. Yet the moment that Ava allowed her hand to take him, almost every other moment became second to this. Little to Loki's knowledge this very moment would be one that would spark many moments like this, that this was only the first of many, yet for Loki at the time this was enough. He finally had a fighting chance, to win her over to prove his undying affection, all he needed to do was seduce her.

A task that wasn't out of Loki's range of expertise, for in his days before the "accident", and far before Thanos had taken him, Loki had managed to seduce several people into his chambers. Whether that be for pleasure only or for short-lived romantic flings, the recipients range from various types, maidens, non-maidens, soldiers, and royals, some more innocent than others, all with the promise of consent and mutual benefit, both inside and outside of pleasure. To Loki, seducing was in his nature, almost as if it was deeply rooted in his DNA, yet Loki knew she was different, every tactic that Loki had ever known failed on her, as she always seemed to have a bickering response to it, something he had initially taken as avoidance, but perhaps there was more to it. Perhaps if I play into it will better my chances, he thought, already trying to come up with a plan, at least until he was interrupted.

"Hello Mcfly, is anyone in there," the voice called out, snapping Loki out of his thoughts. He shook his head, as he seemed to recall where he was, and who he was with.

"Yes, and I don't particularly prefer being referred to as a fly." Loki's face was already back to its usual seriousness, his arms already crossed against his chest.

"It's just a saying, you know that right?"

"Of course, I know that," Loki spurted out, acting as if he had known when truly he hadn't, but he couldn't let her know that. After all, lacking common knowledge didn't seem to be a particularly attractive Midgardian trait, with those like his brother at the time being seen as himbos, or lacking knowledge because of it. While Loki would at times make snipes at Thor's lack of strategy, or call him an oaf, Loki knew far better than anyone else that his brother was no himbo. What he lacked in Midgardian knowledge he made up for on the battlefield, being equally as skilled as Loki, and knowing who to hit and at what time. Loki would never admit that to Thor, after all, he didn't need him getting a bigger head than he already had. This is a factor in the next part of Loki's response. "I was just making sure you knew it," Loki blurted another lie slipping out of his tongue, though coming out as natural as ever. He wasn't the god of mischief and lies for no reason, though the irony of it did get to Loki at times.

"Whatever you mischief." Ava gave Loki a skeptical look, almost as if she knew he was lying, yet that was the end of it. As she quickly changed the subject. "So how do you propose to seduce me?" Her arms crossed very relaxed almost as if she thought he couldn't do it. Through it was that question that made Loki want to spiral back into his thoughts and plan for centuries how he would properly do it, just as he had done previously. The problem is he didn't do that with her, he didn't have centuries to analyze her every move, then come up with a plan that fit it. He had to seduce her in a matter of hours, a task while not foreign to him would prove to be particularly difficult, her need to bicker with him always coming back. He hadn't expected this much resistance to the idea when he had seen the opportunity initially focused on the fact that he had it and less on what it truly entailed. Yet with that came a thought that Loki had never really considered before. Perhaps I could go along with it, and factor it into it, it would make things easier. While to someone on the outside Loki's thoughts might've seemed like forever, to him it only took a moment or two. Yet it seemed Ava saw this as too long as she already had something else to say. "Cat got your tongue mischief?"

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