Our Game

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Crunch, snap, echo, could be heard as a figure of someone could be seen running through the forest. They weren't alone for there was another figure following close behind them. As the same noises were heard from the other figure, as the first figure quickened their pace, only allowing themselves to be seen in the shadows of the trees, not daring to look back for if they did they would lose. They couldn't lose not like this. Yet they couldn't keep this up forever, eventually one would lose pace, whether that be they were caught or something else either way the end result would be someone on the ground. Both parties knew this as faint pants escaped their lips, both of their hearts pounding with each step taken, they couldn't play their game forever one would have to slow down. The second party smiled to themselves upon this realization, as a smirk creeped onto their face. For while one might expect either to use magic to be used in order to slow their opponent down, both knew that magic could only go so far and what was the fun of that? With each crunch, snap, and echo heard another distance was covered, as they were getting closer and closer to each other. They didn't have long until their game would end soon.

Crash, crunch echoed throughout the small forest as finally someone fell. A single twig was left in its wake, could they get up before the other caught up to them? The answer was no as soon a weight could be felt on top of them, their hands now held above their head, as a grin on the person's face on top. "I win," he proclaimed.

"You did that on purpose," the person below him declared, a little sore from losing their game.

"Why would I ever do that?"

"Maybe because you like winning?"

"While I do, a game is only fun when done fairly."

The person below let out a sarcastic laugh. "Says the trickster god."

"Oh, as if you are in any position to talk my little prey."

"I am not your prey," the person declared despite having their hands being held captive.

"Aren't you considering your current position?" A smile still crossed his features, something the person below hated seeing.

"You cheated."

"So you keep claiming yet you have no proof."

"I do."

"And what might that be darling?"

"Your nature, you never play fairly."

"Perhaps, but we did agree I wouldn't use seider this time around."

"It hasn't stopped you before, so why hold up your word now?"

"Because I love seeing you like this of course."

The trickster still held his position towering over the person beneath. The person not even trying to escape or wiggle free for they had long learned doing so might result in some unusual consequences. "Seriously?"

"Always my angel."

"Angel really?"

"Would you rather be called pet, or perhaps valkyrie would work. Or even better mine." A possessive look flashed across the trickster god's eyes while looking down below. A look that seemed to go unnoticed.

"You wish Loki," the person declared, finally saying the god's name.

"Don't I ever, Wendy my darling."

"You know I hate that name."

"Why? Because I happen to like it."

"I regret ever lending you Peter Pan."

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