A Different Type Of Suprise (pt 2)

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While Loki had been tied up in golden chains in the Avenger's hideout, Iris was near New Asgard, sitting in the very same spot Loki had proposed to her nearly three years ago. A memory full of happiness when Iris didn't have to worry about being a new goddess or having a god as a husband. A god who didn't even bother to tell her, of his plan. A god who often had her sick with worry. Stupid Loki she grumbled to no one in particular. As Iris thoughts began to drift towards her godly husband, who used to tell her things yet ever since they got married. Wondering how they had ended up here and how so much had changed. Because rather then tell her anything he never seemed to want to tell her anything especially things that might worry her. Wishing desperatly for things to change for her not to be here alone while her husband (maybe ex-husband with the rate things are going) continues to fake his death without telling her. Idiot she grumbled again to no one in particular. Yet this time instead of there being quiet Iris felt a touch upon her shoulder. She didn't even turn thinking it was Loki, but was in little mood to deal with him and his games.

"Now you come to apologize?"

"I'm afraid it's not him, but me sister."

Upon hearing the familar voice of Thor, Iris allowed her eyes to look up at the 6'6, towering over Iris's own height by alot. "Norns forbid he come here himself instead he sends you."

"My brother didn't send me here. I came here on my own."

"I see why?"

"The man of Iron kindly informed me of what was happening, and sent me to talk to you while he dealt with..."

"Loki I am guessing.."


"Well hopefully Tony's limbs are still intacted after that."

"Yes, let us hope so. But we aren't here to talk about that but about what's going on between you and my brother."

"Norns forbid Tony stay out of something for once."

"Yes the man of Iron can be quite meddlesome."

"Don't I know it? Remember when Loki and I first started dating?"

"I am surprised my brother didn't stab him even once."

"Through Tony was eitther thrown or daggled."

"Yes, but Loki did let him go."

"Yes he did, but you would never see Loki look so mad," Iris remarked as a small smirk crossed her face remembered it. Back at a time where Loki wasn't worrying her to death.

"Yes indeed. So you want to talk about it or do you want to keep changing the subject?"

"Now you are poking around?"

"Not poking just merely curious to what my brother did now."

"What Mr. Noisy didn't tell you?"

"No, he just said that something happened and I needed to help you."

"And you came?"


"Well since I am sure Mr. Noisy will tell you eventually Loki and I had a fight."

"I know, but aren't you two always fighting?"

"We bicker, but never this bad."

"Ah what did my brother do now?"

"Why do you assume it was him?"

At this Thor gave her are you serious look something she never thought she would see from him of all people. "As much as I love him, my brother can be predictable at times. It usually him who does something. So what did he do now? Did he try to stab you as a snake? Or did he betray you in a very important game? Or perhaps did he roped you into one of his amazing plans," Thor asked before listing off a few more questions before Iris felt a laugh come out of her. My husband ever the drama king she thought warmly before she was reminded that he maybe not be her husband forever. After all she couldn't keep doing this game of his not for the rest of their lives. This thought saddening her, as she listened to the rest of Thor's guesses before she saw a chance to answer.

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