Forever Yours

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Credit to the image belongs to Nanihoo

A/N: I know this is a picture of Siygn and Loki, but it was so perfect so I thought why not. So with that in mind, prepare for a our ride as this one will be a bit of a heart feeler because I like tormenting you all ;). So I hope you all enjoy the ride.

The faint sounds of yelling could be made out, upon walking past the throne room. If one were to look in at that particular moment they would see Odin face turned red yelling at Loki. While one might think that would be unusual for the all father to yell at his son. Sadly getting yelled at wasn't something that Loki was new to. He had been yelled at his entire life, most of it being done by the man who once claimed to be his father. As from the moment Loki hit puberty, Odin seemed to think it was time to show his true colors. This meant Odin would more often then not sit on his throne, staff in hand, spitting insult after insult at Loki. Very few things were sacred enough to Odin not to throw back at his son. Something that he would never dare to Thor, or even to Hela back when she was around. This meant that Loki got the blunt of Odin's rage, as he wasn't as perfect as his siblings, aka Odin's biological children.

Today was no different, the moment Odin emptied the throne room of everyone including Frigga did his vile words began to feaster. Despite the fact that Loki was supposed to be back on Midgard hours ago, and his monthly hearing was far from over, Odin was still spitting out viles words each more vile then the last. Even going so far as to make fun of Loki himself. After a while of Odin's yelling, with Loki ever so often chimming in did Loki pray for this to be over soon. As if the fates saw to take pity on poor Loki, did Odin finally stop yelling at Loki. "I grow tired, so I would like not to be bothered by your company until next we meet." Upon hearing those words did Loki feel relief fill through him. As he let out a simple bow trying to keep a neutral look upon his face.

"Of course father," he said hating every word he said.

"But I better not hear about you doing anything down on Midgard. Especially because of the presense of that distraction of yours."

Loki felt his hand curl into a fist upon Odin's mention of his partner someone who brought him the upmost joy. Something that Odin seemed to lack despite his saint of a mother. "Never good night father." The moment those words that Loki hated slipped out he got out of there as quickly as he could before Odin could demand something else out of him. Despite Loki's growing tiredness from standing so long he forced himself to walk. To go past the guards, the gates of Asgard, all the way to the Bifrost. He said nothing to Heimdell as the gatekeeper nodded before sending Loki back to Midgard in a bright flash. Through the words of Odin kept repeating in Loki's mind and always his heart through out the journey.

The moment Loki opened his eyes to be greeted by the familar look of the tower rather then seek comfort on the couch. Loki forced himself to keep moving towards his and Amber's shared chambers. The sounds of the outside rain could be heard tapping lightly against the window. With the smallest bit of early morning sun peeking in from the clouds. Through with the quietness of the tower the dark thoughts of Loki continued to bloom as he found himself wondering how someone such as Amber could ever love someone such as him? She had as many options as she could ever desire, despite being close in age with the young Wanda. Yet still she had choosen him, Loki Friggason as he liked to be called, aka the god of mischief and lies, or better known as Laufeyson aka a frost giant.

The frost giant part was something Odin like to particular throw in Lokis face whenever he was yelling. Taking great joy in reminding Loki why he was even alive. In spite Loki's frost giant terrible killer nature genes. This only reminded Loki further while he rarely embraced such a form even around his lover. Fearing she would reject him like almost everyone else in Asgard had.

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