Because You Know Better?

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A/N: For all of you returning readers who may be wondering why your comments aren't here anymore, I would like to inform you that I re-edited this chapter. I was looking over it due to a concern with spelling, which resulted in a re-editing of the chapter that I hope is of better quality, thus why your comments are no longer here. So with that out of the way, let us begin with this new version of Because You Know Better.

It wasn't long into another disagreement with Loki, that Gwen's arms soon became tightly crossed against her chest, her ferocious gaze now directed right at Loki, while some might dislike such a gaze, Loki thrived off of it. As it was that very gaze that kept him going with his remarks.

"Oh like you know any better?"

"Well pet, I do indeed happen to know better." Loki was wearing a smirk that he knew infuriated Gwen, though little did he know that very smirk also happened to stir certain things in her at the same time.

"Oooh, do you? What does the all-knowing Loki know about dating?"

"I know that getting out of dates usually has one knowing more than just a few things."

"What would one know outside of dates?"

"Well if a date were to truly be of interest they would know things about a person."

"Like what?"

"Perhaps your favorite food, favorite book, or even your favorite color."

"You have a list do you?"

"What does it matter if I do?"

"Well for all you know we could have discussed that. Not that it would be any of your business if we did."

"Please darling we both know that I know more about you than your so-called dates do."

"Enlighten me of what you could know about me oh great god of mischief."

"Gladly darling."

"And stop calling me those names," Gwen protested despite the redness her face was taking whenever Loki allowed one of his pet names to slip.

Upon seeing this once again a smirk spread across Loki's features, as he was very much pleased at this reaction. "I will when you stop reacting that way pet."

At this, Loki received an eye roll, as Gwen's face began to cool down much to Loki's dismay, as she already had another comment to say. "I will believe it when I don't hear them."

"Seeing as that will never happen, I suppose I must you believe it in different ways."

"And why not?"

"Because I find your reactions far too entertaining to stop now."

"Seriously, must you?"

"Yes, I must."

"Doesn't matter anyway," Gwen said likely trying to avoid the previous topic.

"And why doesn't it?"

"Because it doesn't."

"You think I forgot what we were discussing didn't you?"

"Haven't you?"

"You wound me even more, my darling." With a glow of his seidr, Loki soon had a fake dagger, as he proceeded to edge it toward his heart for dramatic effect. For this Loki received an eye roll from Gwen, one that Loki responded with a smirk across his face before continuing. As he withdrew the fake dagger from his heart and vanished in another glow of his seidr before continuing. "Why would I ever forget anything that came out of your lovey mouth?"

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