Don't Mess with Her

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Mira let out a soft groan escape her mouth as her gaze was pointed at a particular brown-skinned, brown-haired kid known as Flash Thompson. For the entire time, she had been instructing the class he seemed unable to take a simple hint. Something that was irritating her more and more as she was starting to regret agreeing to this teaching gig, the only thing that kept her here was the idea of ensuring that both Peter and his classmates were prepared to take on whoever came their way in need be. Even if she had to deal with Flash's attempts at flirting with something that continued until finally class was done. Flash through was very persistent.

"Hey, Ms. Mira."

"Yes, Mr. Thompson was there something that you couldn't get or a question you needed to ask?"

"No, because I was thinking why don't you and I go on a date," Flash suggested. Mira wanted to do something but was reminded through he was only a few years younger than her she was still an adult. While Mira was trying to decide what to do with Flash. Peter and Ned were discussing Mira alongside MJ.

"So she is dating Loki?"

"Yes, Ned. She is. He does pick her up after class each time we have it."

It was at that moment that things clicked for everyone because if Loki was picking her up that meant that Flash was as good as dead. Peter chooses this moment to excuse himself from his group of friends as he knew what was to come. While Mira had finally figured out what to tell Flash.

"I will remind you Mr. Thompson that I am your teacher, you are underage, and it would be highly inappropriate for me to pressure such a relationship."

"Forbidden love is always the best type of love," Flash replied with a cocky grin. At this moment Peter came up with Ned and MJ in toe.

"Hey Flash knock it off."

"Why should I?"

"Because you don't want to deal with her boyfriend."

"What boyfriend?"

"The boyfriend who comes and picks her up after every class."

"I'm not scared of some guy."

"Cocky words from a Midgard," a voice said as Loki appeared wearing his black suit.

"Darling is it that time already," Mira asked.

"Yes, it is I have come to take you back to Stark's tower and to inform this mistaken and cocky Midgard that you already have a boyfriend."

"Eh Mister Loki you're here," Peter said obvious nervousness in his voice.

"Again where else would I be aside from here?"

"Of course, you already said that."

Loki was about to remark when Flash decided now was the time to tune in. "Who are you, sir?"

At this MJ, Ned, and Peter silently hit their heads as everyone else in that class knew exactly who this man was. "For someone so cocky lacking the knowledge of who I am. Well then I suppose I shall introduce myself than I am Loki of Asgard, god of mischief, I will be your worst nightmare and I am also blessed with glorious purpose." At this Loki looked directly at Flash before turning to the rest of the class. "Now for the rest of you mortals, I will advise you not to mess with Peter and Mira because they are under my protection as my love's little brother and my love do you understand?"

Everyone nodded knowing that what this man was saying was true but Flash being who he is decided to poke the god. "What gives you the right to claim Mira?"

At this Loki let out a dark laugh. "Because if you try anything I will not heist to gut you like fishes," Loki warned calmly as if he did this every day as he showed a dark look right to Flash. Again Flash didn't seem to take this seriously as rather than step back he seemed not to get the warning.

"Why shouldn't I mess with Penis Parker and Mira just because you claim them?"

At this everyone gave an eye roll meant for Flash as he was getting closer to Loki. Mira sees this as the time to hold Loki back from what he might do. "Mr. Thompson if I were you I would run while you still can."


"Because if I get ahold of you I will not hesitate to gut you like the fish you all seem to love to eat." All of this was said with a cruel smile on Loki's face at that moment Flash felt fear because the glare Loki had given him earlier was a mere peek this one held much more. As Flash chooses this moment to leave as Mira was working on calming Loki down from his anger reassuring him that it was over. She slowly took this chance to lead him out the door whispering to Peter that they would see him later. Mira and Loki started to walk down the hall hand in hand as Mira leaned onto Loki's shoulder.

"Darling I know how it looked but you know I can protect myself right?"

"I of all people know that, but I couldn't let that kid think he had a chance with you."

"I know but I would like to get an earful from Tony if he hears what you threatened especially if Strange has to get involved."

"Why would that second-rate wizard get involved?"

"Because nobody is supposed to know about Peter's connection to us."

"But didn't Stark have him take an internship with him?"

"Yes, but what happens when they wonder why he would know us from an internship?"

"I see. I'm sorry about that love but I couldn't just stand there." At this Loki pressed a kiss to Mira's hand.

"I know and I am sure I can convince Strange to ensure that the spell allows them not to mess with Peter if worse comes to worst."

"Okay now, can we talk about something else aside from work?"

"Like what?"

"How beautiful, intelligent, and amazing I think you are. Also how much I love you."

"You tell me that every day love."

"Maybe I want to say it more."

"Then feel free to let it all out, darling. Besides, perhaps I would like to show you how much I love you." At this Mira got a glim in her eye that Loki knew.

"You mean?" As Loki leaned forward only to have Mira's finger put on his mouth.

"Not until we are truly alone."

"You are no fun," Loki said with a pout.

"Aww the great powerful Loki burdened with glorious purpose doesn't get what he wants for once how sad."

"You jest darling."

"Never," Mira said as the rest of the trip was spent between Mira and Loki bickering both of them knowing they had each other backs. Meanwhile, the rest of Peter's class was left in wonder about their teacher and her boyfriend knowing not to mess with her and Peter to that extent. For even they knew not to mess with the god of mischief something that would always remain in their minds now and forever.

A/N: I have been wanting to do an idea based on the videos for a long time, so I thought it was finally time just recently. I took some elements from them to keep the vibe but for the most part, I made my dialogue so yeah. I hope you all enjoyed this one shot.  

Loki One Shots (Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz