In Or Out

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A/N: So I know sounds Oh y/n... 😭😭💔 bad, but I promise it is very much different from it. I also know that  POV you were sent to help loki on their mission II Loki x y/n doesn't make much sense either. But honestly I got inspired by both in terms of vibes I wanted to set, something you will see once you read this. So with that in mind I won't keep you all long.

Tap, hit, tap, hit her shoes went as echoed as she ran, accompanied by the faint sounds of her breathing through it sounded more like pant, pant, thump. The young woman stole a glance behind her, to ensure she still wasn't being followed. Her heart still continued to thump, through out this as she soon rounded the next corner. She needed to find a way out of here, and quickly. They would be coming for her soon, and knowing her luck she will somehow set off some sort of alarm, before she could even catch her breath. Upon realizing this the woman forced herself to shake her head and not to think about that, she tapped the ear trying to see if the ear piece was still connected. "Hello anyone," she asked, hopping to hear the familar voice of Tony, as reassurance that she wasn't alone. Sadly no response seemed to come. "Come on," she muttered as she once again tapped her ear piece. Once again no voice seemed to answer, yet despite this she tried again, and again, all while trying to keep her pace. "You've got to be kidding me," the woman said upon her fifth time, yet failing. As she allowed a cuss word, escape her lips, covering her mouth soon after. Going so far as to stop and look both ways, even above to ensure she hadn't called any attention her. Once she assured that nobody was there at least not yet. She continued to run, praying she could find a way out of here. But without any help from her ear piece that looked like it could take some time, time she didn't have. So she tried again tapping the ear piece trying to will her voice to speak. "Hello is anyone there? Seriously at this point, I will take anyone," her voice while quiet still desperate. If this was Captian, everyone would be on here, but just my luck, that I have no one or so she thought.

"Do you just say that to anyone," a certain voice called into the ear piece.


"Who else would it be darling," he asked and despite him not being there, she could swear she could see his smile crossing his face. At this, she allowed herself to stop as she put a hand to her head, before letting a sigh escape her lips. Of all the people I had to be stuck with managing the phone it had to be Loki she thought. She tried to let herself not to get distracted by Loki as she spoke next.

"Where is Tony, wasn't he supposed to be in charge of the mission calls."

"I am afraid Stark has found himself preoccupied at the moment."

"You didn't tie him again did you?"

"Why ever would I do that?"

"Because you have done it before."

"That's why I would never do it again, I can't become predictable can I?"

"Seriously must you right now?"

"Always, my darling."

"You know I hate hearing you call me that?"

"And why is that?"

"Because it makes me sound as if I am yours."

"Aren't you my darling Wendy or would you prefer Wendy Darling?"

"I hate that I showed you Peter Pan."

"Well I am afraid it's to late for that now, love."

"Clearly," Wendy said as she let out a huff, sending a piece of her hair flying up.

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