I Love Her Too Much

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A/N: The minute I saw the video I linked above I knew I had to do my own take of what was going on and that this was something to write about. Now I will warn you Tony maybe OCC but I promise you there is a reason for this. Plus it was either him or Thor. I picked Tony because it fits more in line with him. I promise he tried to do it for the right reasons it didn't end up that way. So with that in mind, I hope you all enjoy what is to come.

The sound of hushed voices could be heard from a corner of the compound. Natalie being naturally the curious young woman that she was decided to find out what was going on. She kept her footprints light trying to ensure that nobody heard her steps. The older members of the tower had the tendency of hiding things given that Natalie was merely a few years older than Peter himself about to turn nineteen. They would prefer that she doesn't know the harder parts of the job if they could avoid it thus why they tended not to tell her certain things. Natalie tip-toed to hear what was being said. "Seriously I don't think you should do this Stark." A strong voice said and without even having to look Natalie knew that it was Thor. Meaning that at the very least Tony was the other voice given there was no other Stark that Thor knew.

"Well, that choice isn't up to you Point Break. I would rather her know now rather than later. She is still young you know."

"She's about to be nineteen."

"Exactly she is only a couple of years older than Kid."

"I still don't think that this is a good idea. Especially when it comes in regards to my brother."

"Your adoptive brother if you forget as you reminded us when we first informed you of him."

"I still don't like this."

"It doesn't matter because we know how Reindeer games is. Or do I need to remind you of New York?"

"If I must remind you my brother was being used."

"It doesn't matter he still is responsible for the deaths of at least eighty people that we know of. Not to mention the others he caused even if it wasn't him personally."

"Okay but still what happens if Strange finds out? I mean she is like family to him."

"That is why you and I won't be telling him get it?"


"But nothing I will inform her of it whether you like it or not Power Break."

At this moment Natalie choose to step up seeing as clearly they weren't going to tell what needed to be said unless she was there. "Inform me of what?"

"Well I hate to be the one who tells you this kiddo, but I am afraid Reindeer Games doesn't see you the way you see him."

At that moment Natalie felt confusion more than anything else. "How did you know?"

"The same way everyone else including him knows kiddo and as I said he doesn't feel the same."

"But that's impossible," Natalie uttered.

"I am afraid it is possible."

"Than why didn't he tell me?"

"Who knows with him?"

"But..... he," Natalie tried to say yet each and every word broke her heart more and more. As she was slowly coming to the realization she had always known. All those looks he gave her, the cuddles, the late-night talks, times he talked her down, and everything they ever had meant nothing to him. She was just a pawn to him and nor did it hurt. Natalie took one step and then two before she started to run off to her room. At this, a small smile came over Tony's lips. Everything had gone according to plan he had a feeling that once she heard voices she would come to find out what was going on. Everything had worked out just as he figured. The look that Tony received from Thor wasn't unexpected he knew that Thor would never go along with the plan it's why he did what he did.

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