Never Enough

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A/N: The first thing I will say is that this story takes place outside of the first Thor movie. Loki is somewhat older in this one shot, through the events of the movie matter. In particular where Loki finds out who he is. Yet rather than Loki taking the throne and all of that. While Thor is banished to Midgard that never happens. Loki finds out another way, a way that I don't know about. Either way in this story Loki found out his true birth and the normal reaction happened just minus the depressing nature. So keep this in mind as you read this. Now the minute I re-heard Never Enough and Waiting On A Miracle I thought of Loki. Those songs were so perfect for him. The song Used To Be Mine is also one that crossed my mind, especially with the lyrics she is imperfect but she tries. With this in mind be prepared to feel all of those feelings because this ride will be tough it might have a happy ending or it might not. You will just have to read to find out and with that in mind I bid you all goodbye until the journey is done.

"You will never shine as brightly as Thor," was a statement that Odin had told Loki during one of their more intimate talks, talks where he had chased everyone and even Frigga out, Some talks involved Odin yelling truth far too cruel for a father to say to his son, other talks were like this Odin saying the same thing, yet calmer yet still using a holy then you tone. Thus why after many years while Loki at one time had relished in alone time with his father but now dreaded it. Rather than keep quiet as he once had he would clock any emotions he held with sarcasm as he began to build his own walls. The walls grew bigger and bigger with each passing century as Odin's point seemed to be proven time after time. Nobody seemed to notice Loki until he was pulling something mischievous, yet no matter what he did he could never seem to amount to anything aside from Thor's brother in anyone's eyes that weren't Frigga at least so he had assumed until everything changed...

It had been another one of the Odin royal events, guest ranged from low nobles who Odin was interested in, to gods and goddesses. The ages ranged from beings twice Loki's age and almost as Odin himself to young maidens, and newly dubbed gods, goddesses, and nobles barely even adults. Thor was showing off the latest item he had picked up during his travels to Midgard. It was what the people down there called a camera. With one click of a button, a flash would go off, capturing the image of anyone who was in its range. Something that fascinated the nobles and the godly beings who hadn't vented down to Midgard in quite some time. As they all hovered around Thor and his new item took turns to see the pictures that Thor had captured. Only with the help of someone else. That person was Loki, for once Loki had been with Thor during his visit to Midgard. He had been in search of something new to read, a book that wasn't curated by Odin, or anything that resembled the nine realms' culture. Nobody knew that though for they were far too focused on Thor, then on the lonely Loki who stood to the side. At least so Loki had thought little did he know somebody did notice him, someone, that Loki never expected to, and someone who Loki thought only did it out of kindness until she didn't.

That person was Estrid Gudrundóttir, she was a high-level noble and the daughter of the god of wisdom. Gudrun was far more known for his extensive knowledge of any written language from runes to even Greek. The two had a quiet, somewhat bickering friendship, the two often spending their time reading or talking amongst themselves, rather than being forced to mingle with stuffy nobles. Their first meeting at been at an event such as this, merely a century or so ago, at a ball that Loki never particularly liked to remember at least outside of her.

A Century Ago

Loki was being forced to mingle at another one of Odin's forced events, this one being a ball. Odin had been pestering Thor to at least try and find a maiden to court with even if it was just for a small while. After all, the oldest son of Odin couldn't be seen as a virgin to courting, Loki Odin didn't particularly care whether Loki was a virgin in dating or in other matters as long at least until the time Loki's indulges would bring shame to the family name. Thus from that moment the reason why the party was mostly filled with eligible young maidens, some barely younger than Loki, and some just mere minutes younger than Thor. As all attention seemed to be directed at finding Thor a partner while Loki was left in the shadows. He stood alone watching as almost every maiden who hadn't found a partner with the little men there, was hovering in Thor's direction. While Sif and the warriors three watched in amusement, not even daring to gaze at Loki. Loki feared that that night would be another lonely one. As he let out a deep sigh. At this rate, I might as well seek company elsewhere, seeking as these maidens are far more interested in that oaf over me. Perhaps one of the pubs, some might be far dirtier than I would prefer, but I could perhaps get at least what the Midgardians call a date Loki thought his thoughts being no kinder than Odin. Loki had been about to figure out a way to slink out of the party without being seen when someone spoke.

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