Not Our Idea

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A/N: I will warn you Loki will likely be OOC from childhood, given I don't have an idea of what he is during that time. I will also warn you it may continue to adulthood. I tried to stick to as much Loki as I could keeping his sarcastic manner along with his gentle side. But if I failed to do so I am sorry. Don't say I didn't warn you. Now the very moment I saw I Burn For You (Loki's POV) I knew I had to make it a happy ending. That Sif wasn't going to be involved in it and that  This Is My Idea from The Princess Swan would be absolutely perfect for the idea I had. That movie had good enemies to lovers in the intro. I will assure those who worry about the mistakes of it while Loki will be a jerk. He will not make the major mistake Derek made in the movie. Loki is far smarter than that though he is not smart about other matters. Something you will see throughout this. I warn you this one is a long one-shot. It had to be given the subject matter, I had to put in enough interactions for this couple to make sense. Rather than it being rushed seeing as how important this is to the latter half of the story. So with that all in mind I hope you enjoy what I have written for you all today. Feel free to comment down below whether I did what I needed to do. Other than that I bid you all goodbye until the next time.

A single kiss is all it took to ruin Loki Odinson's plans, plans that he had been carefully plotting for as long as he could recall, from the moment he met HER. All of it was ruined because of a single kiss, a mistake on both of their parts at least so SHE likely thought. Little did SHE anything Loki did with HER was never a mistake and that this was merely a setback, but SHE didn't know that at least SHE didn't use to...

From the moment that Loki's and Sigrid's Sagdotter lips touched there was passion. A passion that Loki didn't know that Sigrid had especially regarding him. For most of Loki's life, Sigrid was on the opposing side of Loki's mischief. From the moment he met Sigrid, everything had been chaos, something she could recall despite the many centuries that had passed since their meeting. A memory that neither party looked back to fondly...

Centuries Ago

Sigrid was barely around the Midgardian age of ten when she had first been introduced to Loki. It had been at their parent's instance that little did the two know that one day, they may marry. A fact they only found out much later through Loki's first impression left little to be desired.

Sigrid had been dressed one of noble birth and as a goddaughter should be. Her dress was a bright pink, a color that Sigrid would later grow to hate. Sigrid's long hair had been tamed and held in, and a heavy amount of makeup was a no-go given her young age, though some light blush was applied. Up until that moment, she looked eager to meet the young prince Loki. What Loki hadn't known was that Sigrid had heard great tales of his intelligence from a young age and was interested in learning his pursuit in seider. Something she had hoped they would talk about. At least before everything happened...

From the moment Loki entered the room, the young prince looked less than pleased. As he seemed to be very against the idea of meeting Sigrid. His hands crossed against his chest in a fit of anger. Only even considering this option as he was gently pushed forward by Frigga. "Why must I do this," he mumbled meaning a hushed tone yet failing at it.

"Because it would be good for you to socialize with someone of your age," Frigga insisted. As she let out a small laugh her tone is a little louder, she nudged Loki closer toward Sigrid and her father Saga. "I promise he usually isn't like this."

"It's no problem really Sigrid can be quite shy herself at times." Saga's voice was full of gentle and understanding something that was built by years of needing patients from waiting for his visions to come true. Sage gently nudged Sigrid forward. "Go on Sigrid he won't bite."

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