I Want Him

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Credit for the image above goes to Naniboo

A/N: Pov You Want Loki is what got me to write this plus this picture and the idea bloomed. So with that in mind enjoy the ride.

Anne Williams was a young goddess who no longer held the power she once had. Despite the fact she was only a 60 years younger then Loki she was formally the sole heir and queen of the kingdom of Magnolia. A kingdom full of intellgient and bright people for while Asgard was known for training some of the best warriors in all the nine realms including the warriors three. Magnolia was known for training some of the greatest minds in all of the realms. They were a kingdom who planned everything out including their alliances. Through their minds were great their warriors couldn't compare to the strength of Asgard. Yet rather Anne being in her own kingdom preparing the final details to become ruler instead she was instead in the last place that she desired to be. For Anne never liked making trips to Asgard especially if that meant Odin was involved. Anne had met Odin many times whether it be through events or when she had studied under Frigga in preperation to become a skilled sedier user to obtain the throne. Yet here she was in the last place she ever wanted to be as....

Anne let out a loud sigh of frustration as upon exiting Odin's war chamber and making her way away from it. She was growing tired of these so called negoations which were mainly Odin trying to ensure he got the best out of Magnolia's ruins and ensuring that he would control her kingdom. Something that Anne refused as heir to the throne through by the looks of it their might not be much of a throne for her to gain. As with each word that came out of Odin's mouth made Anne want to fist him, despite him being the all father of the nine realms. As more often then not Anne would find her finger being gribbed tightly around her fist, the anger being used either on a training dummy, or in a nearby area with little to no people. As Anne was reminded she had likes it so much when Loki was there during negoations. The moment that Anne thought of Loki a smile spread across her lips as she was reminded of the young prince and their shared history.

Centuries Ago

Anne was 750 years old, or 15 years in Midgard, and in that time she had never been one for grand events prefering to lurk in corners and observe rather then dance. Despite Edgar instance, as he would often appear by her side at random moments. Either to demand something or in attempt to scare her, despite Edgar being far older then Anne this never changed. In fact up until then Anne had been minding her own busniess watching nobody in particular when she felt someone touch her shoulder. "Hello." The voice greeting her sounded almost as deep as a frost giant.

Upon hearing it Anne allowed her eyes to roll, as she looked to see her Edgar smiling in her direction. "What do you want?"

At this Edgar put his hands to his heart. "You wound me every day dear sister."

"Sure, now again what do you want?"

"Do I have to want something to see you?"

"Knowing you yes now answer or shall I call someone else to keep you company? Perhaps one of your many admirers?" Anne's arms were crossed, yet a hint of mischief lied in her eyes.

"You wouldn't."

"But I would dear brother unless you tell me why you are here."

"Fine, but just know you don't play fair."

"You speak as if you are any different dear brother."

"Fine, I will make this quick then."

"Aww how sad for me." Upon saying this Anne let out a fake frowny fake in her brother's direction that did little to amuse me.

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