Having Someone

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Warning: Depending of what you think of Steve and Natasha then they might be OOC here. But I promise it will be for the story and was done after looking into disliked Avengers. 

To say some of the team liked to tease Loki is putting it lightly. For teasing would apply that both sides knew what was going on, yet despite that still got along. Yet what the team and Loki had was more like aggravating. As some members of the team saw to poke at Loki personally. Much like one would poke a stick at a bear. Both choices that were unwise to say the least. Yet while a bear could easily devour it's attacker, Loki couldn't do the same thing. For Loki was trapped, but rather then it being in a cage, like he had been previously, instead he was trapped as punishment by Odin. In exchange for not spending the remainder of his years in the dungeon of Asgard's place with some of the worst crimmals. He was to reside in Avenger's tower along with the rest of them, as he would he would be welcomed as a team member, so long as he behaved. Yet despite Loki doing everything within his limits not to throat or at times gut some of the members like a fish they still poked him, in particular Captian America, Natasha, Bruce, Tony, and Stephan. Through Tony and Stephan more friendly poked Loki, while Bruce might comment every once in a while. Yet while it seemed harmless to Natasha, and Steve seeing as what Loki did to New York sometimes it could go a little to far. It had been after another raid of a Hydra base, something that required everyone even Peter and Stephan. As when it came to Hydra, they were often very sneaky, seeing as they were the ones who were able to sucessfully steal Loki's sceptar, going so far as to act as S.H.I.E.L.D agents. It was because of this that Tony had all of his magic user on the team join this mission including Wanda, Haley, Stephan, and Loki. Haley and Wanda were younger then both Loki and Stephan.

As Wanda nearing twenty, and Haley's had just turned nineteen. Both were force recruited by Shield, but while Wanda powers focused more on her lifting things and sometimes going into the minds of others. Haley's focus was more in the mind, in particular with her being able to drawn the enemy in. For as soon as Haley was old enough, Hydra noticed her womanly charms and forced trained her to be a last dit effort while Wanda could come in as a kill. It was these very reasons why Haley's field name had been Jolene. Through both Wanda and Haley were powerful, and were learning more from Loki, they still weren't as experienced as the guardian of the New York santum nor Loki powerful seider. It was this very reason that Tony had personally contacted Stephan for some additional magical help, for Haley's and Wanda powers could only last for so long, both being far younger then Stephan. Not even comparing in Loki's godly age. But it wasn't just their inexperience and young age to why Stephan had been brought in. Stephan was also brought along as another ringer should Loki attempt to betray them as he was the closer in able to reign in the god in case he tried anything.

Fury had been correct in bringing in almost every member, not to mention Tony roping in Strange. For the Hydra mission had been as tough as expected, it being hours of fighting and invading. Through some were injuried, it was far less then if Strange and Loki hadn't been there. Through all of them needed much rest as Tony extended invites for those who needed rest. Until then through the meeting was put off through Peter returned back home due to him being the youngest out of them, and already had a place to stay. As soon as the rest of them were healed, was the briefing of what had been obtained from the mission, Loki excused himself to his room in order to get some quiet afterwards. While the rest of the remainding avengers were gathered in the living room space through some seperated into their own groups. Wanda was talking with Harley, and where there was Wanda there is Vision right by her side. Pietro unlike his younger sister was sticking mainly near Clint and Peter. Clint had found himself dropped into a conversation with the two younger men despite him being far older then the two of them. Natasha, Steve, Tony, Sam, Bucky, Stephan, Thor and Bruce were all in the same area, yet were all in their own little groups. Through Tony allowed himself to be sprawled on the couch and treated himself to something to drink after all it was his tower they were staying at. Bruce and Thor were huddled together for despite Thor's lack of interest in sciene, he and Bruce always seemed to be talking about something. Tony and Stephan meanwhile rarely said anything just keeping to themselves. Stephan likely waiting until the time he could get away. While Natasha, Steve, Bucky, and even Sam were gathered together talking amongst themselves.

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