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A/N: Before we get into the good stuff, I thought it would only be right if I wrote something else. If you don't feel like reading the above, feel free to skip toward the end. Now with that out of the way as of publishing this one shot Mr. Hiddleston is 42. At 42 he has accomplished more things than I could ever dream of when I reach that age. He has starred in many projects some good some bad, but not because of him. Nonetheless despite his famous status, he is able to stay off the grid if he chooses. Something I am very much pleased to see because he deserves it. Mr. Hiddleston is from what we know a very private man outside of acting, something that some people aka the press can't seem to respect. Just the other day in my google alerts, a photo of him appeared while he was walking his dog. Something that honestly should be private, yet the press can't resist posting it. Something I hate seeing because the man should be able to have some privacy and so should the rest of the famous people but they don't because of who they are. But we are getting off-topic again. The point is I hope that Mr. Hiddleston and his family remain in good health. Should he release any more details that they come out when he chooses and not because the press can't keep them shut. So as of today, I want to thank him for his contributions to acting in his roles. While some aren't as well known as Loki all of his character's roles are loveable in their own ways from Bill from Surburan Shootout to Adam from Only Lovers Left Alive. With that in mind may Mr. Hiddleston live a long life full of happiness and love with as much privacy as he chooses. Now with all of that out of the way, I got inspired by both of the songs above so feel free to listen to them while reading this. I also know there is a lot of introduction at the start of this but bare with me. I promise it is all-important for the story. So with that in mind strap in because this won't be a short ride.

Over his thousand years of living as a god, Loki Odinson became well-known for a lot of things. As the idea of him being a god is only one of his qualities and is one that only scratches who he is. For Loki, Odinson is far more than just the god of mischief, something that is only observed by a select few but are things that Loki makes no effort to hide.

For example, Loki is the only known member of the royal family, who has come out as liking both genders, while in the past there were rumors about the royals of Asgard, but none of them held enough facts to know for certain. Loki's taste for both genders has always been clear, as when he isn't with his closest female friend, he can be seen with both maidens and bachelors, whether that be him pulling them into a more secure and private place or out in the open. While some of these activities are regarded as mere flirtations others are far less innocent. As soon tales of him warming the beds of anyone no matter their rank or status began to spread around the nine realms and even to Midgard.

Yet in each one of these tales, there were always two things in common. The first being one Loki's clear show of consent, no matter who it is, everyone who has ever had the pleasure to warm the second prince's bed or whose bed has been warmed by him. No matter how kinky the activity was, Loki always ensured that he had the other parties' full consent to do so. This idea even extended to other aspects such as if either party was intoxicated enough not to give full consent Loki would stay away until both parties were clear-minded. Something that can't be said about past royal family members or even other rulers.

The second thing that those who accompanied Loki to a more private setting for more private things is his skill in the bedroom. No matter who warmed his bed, they never had anything but nice things to say about Loki's skills, as he more often found himself either at the top or near the top of most eligible men or at times women despite Loki's reputation as god/goddess of mischief. More often than not Loki could be found in his male form, though there were times even he got bored and she desired to experiment in order to find ways to bring her partner even more pleasure during their night together.

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