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A/N: I based the idea on pov you are trying to get Loki to help you control your powers. Honestly I liked the idea of Loki being brought in, in order to help someone to control there powers thus this was born. But this time rather then it be another Oc it is with someone we already know. Which you will find out soon so with that I hope you enjoy this story of how Loki met his goddess.

"What is HE doing here?" This was the first thing that escaped Iris lips upon seeing the dark haired god in the common area. As a gaze of frustration, was clear on her face, yet rather it be Loki that she was targeting instead it was someone else. Her anger and frustration gaze instead lingering at Tony.

Upon seeing the way Iris gaze was directed Tony could almost swear she looked like an adult rather then someone merely eighteen. Only merely a few months older then Wanda and Pietro, and just four years older then Peter. As he attempted to keep a calm and collected face reminding himself he had seen and dealt with far worse then an angry teenager. While superpowered she was still a teenager, at least was the thought he reminded himself as he said his next words despite the dagger like stares he was getting from her. "Kiddo I don't like this, no more then you do, but he is the only who can help you."

Upon hearing this a huff escaped Iris's lips as she crossed her arms against her chest. "Oh really what about that wizard I've been hearing so much about? Can't he help?"

"Point-break has informed me that the wizard can't be of use."

"And why not?"

"He claims his friend what's his name," Tony said trying to recall Strange's friend. "The dude with some asian name. What was it?" Upon this Tony kept trying to think of the name of Strange's friend. This only seemed to stir Iris's into fury even more as she inpatiently tapped her foot.

"Seriously can't you get to the...," Iris said before letting out a certain cuss word. "Point? Or are you going to get continue to waste more of my time?"

At this moment, Steve decided to poke his head into the conversation. "Language," he called. Upon hearing this Lilth turned to face Steve as she gave him the bird. Before Steve could say anything, it seemed as Tony finally seemed to remember Strange's friend's name. As he hit his hand against the palm of his other hand and snapped his finger.

"Wong that's his name," he cried as upon this everyone stares went back to him.

"Took you long enough now can you get to the damn point already?"

"Language," Steve once again cried.

"Oh screw you."

"Now, now if Capsicle doesn't want us to we can watch our lanuage for gosh shake."

"Seriously this again," Steve remarked.

"Yes," Tony said and just about when Tony and Steve looked like they were going to get into one of their usual bickering matches Irs had something else to say.

"Seriously can't you do this shit later. Because I would like to know what Wong said before I turn 19," Iris stated as she sent another death glare in Loki's direction.

"As usual your use of words amazes me every day," Loki said with a certain smirk.

"Shut up," Iris said.

"Why should I when you love it so much darling," Loki remarked adding on the pet name that he knew Iris didn't particular favor especially coming from him.

"I hate you so," Iris started as she unleased another f bomb. "Much," she finished before turning to Steve. "And don't even say it."

"Fine, I won't," Steve said.

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