Part 3

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A week has passed ever since the fight of Doomsday, and the death of Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk. Anthony actually decided to clean his house up a bit since Doomsday was the only excitement he had that week. Now it's back to being bored out of his mind all day. His doorbell rang, which made him go look at the door.

"Wonder who that is..." he said as he walked towards the door and opened it up. He see's Drago with combat straps all around him, wearing a green tattered up gravedigger hat with a small skull symbol right in the middle of it. He still had his blasters on his wrists, but they were more modified and slightly bigger than the last ones he had. Strapped onto his back were two items: a scoped assault plasma rifle, and a retractable combat staff with an ax head on top and a spear tip on the bottom. It took Anthony awhile to realize he also had dual blue bladed blades that are retractable.

"Alright I'll ask....what's with the hunting look?" asked Anthony as he looked at Drago's new attire.

"Yautja training." Was all the draconian said, in his normal strict calm tone.

"How did that go?" Anthony asked curiously.

"I managed to beat the clan leader in a no weapons match, and a sword duel. And the reason why I'm dressed as a more western themed yautja predator is because I was in Texas at the time." Dragon replied, drawing out 2 shorter, modified, versions of the predator's plasma cannons, as pistols.

"Sounded fun, all I got to do today was yell at Rodriguez to do the garden again." said a bored skeleton as he lets Drago walk in.

"How come he always does the garden by the way?" asked Drago with a furrowed eyebrow.

"Eh, keeps him busy, if he is not doing something he is pretending to sleep, which always looks stupid and angers me for some reason." replied Anthony as he went to sit on the couch.

"Oh, and before I forget, here." Drago tosses Anthony a modified metropolitan navy model pistol, that shoots highly concentrated plasma with .80 caliber rounds, the gun has in encryption that says '1786'. Anthony caught it and inspected it, then grinned saying "nice..." as he continued to inspect it.

"Appreciate it mate, gonna test this out later." Anthony said as he put it in a holster.

"The clan leader, named Braveheart, gave me this pistol as a token of his honor, but I really had no use of it. I'd figured you might like it. So me and Braveheart modified it and he put the year it was built." Drago said in respect for the predator.

"Well, that was rather nice of ya, kinda rare actually." said Anthony as he teased Drago a bit. Who just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Let's just say I'm in a sort of good mood, after what happened... last week." He said, somber at first.
"A-anyways, how are the ponies doing, that battle just shook the entire multiverse." quickly said Drago. Anthony went over to the mirror and started to change the frequency to the pony universe.

"Nope, things seem to be fine over there, hell, they are starting the next episode." said Anthony as he watched the mirror.

"Good, cross that one off the list. The last universe I was in had mountains cracked in half." Dragon said in a relieved tone.

"Well if you're here now...want to watch them react again? Nothin' better to do to be quite honest." said Anthony as he grabbed himself a chair.

"Sigh, you're right, I got nothing better to do, so why not." Drago said, teleporting in a chair next to him.

[In Twilight's castle]
The ponies from yesterday showed up again and sat down in their chairs and started the episode, some talking to each other about their day as they waited for the TV to start up.

(Scene opens up with Krillin, Master Roshi, and Bulma lamenting over the loss of Goku.)
MASTER ROSHI: Well, Goku has passed. But his sacrifice has stopped a great evil. (Krillin picks up Gohan's hat) Thanks to him, our lives can return to peace once more.
(suddenly, someone started to speak through the scouter Raditz had on)
Nappa: Raditz! Raaaaditz!
(Krillin and Bulma look at Raditz's scooter.)
MASTER ROSHI: What the hell is that?

"There is still more?! Oh Celestia I feel bad for these aliens..." said Twilight as she couldn't help but feel like she should be there to help out.

"Twi' even if we did have a chance to help them out, we would get killed ourselves." said a disappointed Applejack as she also wanted to help, but she knew what would happen if that ever happened. Twilight looked down in sadness, only to be comforted by AJ.

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