Chapter Forty Five

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I was quickly booked and taken to a holding cell soon after arriving at Cook County Department of Corrections, said I had to wait until the corrections nurse could see me to tend to my injuries. The officer who drove me here offered to take me to the hospital, but I declined. I didn't want K'eon to see me...not like this. Inside the holding cell was two other women. One, who appeared to be drunk and asleep, the other was wearing a nightgown and was rocking back and forth as she sat on the bench muttering to herself.

I sat down away from everyone and averted my eyes to the floor. Images of what had just happened flashed before my eyes. I couldn't stop...why couldn't I stop? K'eon...forgive me. "Jesus loves you." I looked to my side and jumped as the woman, who was muttering to herself, was now standing beside me, scratching her arms as she held them close to herself.

"Yeah, sure," I scoffed and scooted further away.

"He does. He told me so."

"I'm sure he did."

"He said, Stephanie needs fixed."

"I'm not Stephanie."

"I can fix you," the woman smiled as she stepped closer to me. "Jesus is in me, I can heal you with just one touch."

"Or you could give me HIV from your festering meth sores. Touch me and I'll break your fucking arm."

"Touch the fringe of my cloak," the woman insisted.


"Touch it as many has touched it were cured."

"I think I'm good."

"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." The woman lunged at me and I quickly rose to my feet.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goes about seeking whom he may devour!" The woman lunged at me once more, grabbing me by my shirt, and threw me to the ground. She quickly straddled my hips as I tried to fight her off of me. "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more!"

"Becky!" A man snapped. "Against the wall now!" The woman slowly stood up and backed herself up to her seat and sat down."

"I was just doing God's work," Becky whimpered.

"How can you put people in here with that fucking psycho?" I snapped.

"Submit yourselves, then, to God! Resist the devil, and he will flee from you!"

"Zahra, let's go!" I carefully stood up and turned to the man, realizing it was Antonio, and followed him out of the holding cell. Antonio led me down a hallway, but stopped and turned to me. "What is your problem?"


"What in the hell were you thinking? Attacking that guy? You should've come to me!"

"He didn't tell me who it was, I can't come to you on a hunch."

"I'm a detective, everything I go after is on a fucking hunch!"

"Yeah, and he would've lied and it would've been my word against his. Guess who wins? Him. No evidence, no confession, he walks."

"So you take justice into your own hands?"

"I did what needed to be done!"

"Yeah, well congratulations, your little stunt just got you kicked from your firefighter candidacy."

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