Chapter Sixteen

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"Wake up, Superman!" I shouted as I kicked open Jamal's bedroom door. "Rise and shine, rise and shine! Metropolis isn't gonna save itself."

"Can you be any louder?" Jamal groaned as he covered his head with his comforter.


"I hate you." Jamal muffled a response.

"You love me. Now, wake up, I brought coffee and breakfast wraps."

"Okay, I love you." Jamal sat up and reached for his coffee, but froze.


"There's two."

"Yeah, I know," I smirked. "Sorry for the rude wake up call, Mya."

"At least you brought me coffee," Mya slowly sat up from beside Jamal, keeping the blanket over her bare chest.

"And wraps, don't forget the wraps. You can't replenish energy without protein."

"You're so embarrassing," Jamal groaned.

"And yet, you love me," I teased. "Well, I'm off to shower. When I'm done, I expect you to be ready for work, got it?"

"Yes, Mom."


I quickly sat up in bed, panting heavily as I scanned the room. Everyone was laying in their beds sound asleep, their shoes sitting on the floor, waiting to be slipped on at any given moment. Quietly, I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, relieving myself as I half-ass contemplated whether or not to go back to sleep; I knew falling back to sleep would be next to impossible.

I washed my hands and made my way through the dark firehouse. The only lights on were coming from the garage and some small lights in the kitchen, making the firehouse have an eerie presence to it. Living at other firehouses at night in the past was always strange, but here it felt different. Hopefully it's just because it's my first overnight in a new firehouse in a new city. I made my way outback and instantly wrapped my arms around myself. The cool morning air caught me by surprise, making me already miss the confines of my warm bed.

Off in the distance was a pile of old fire truck tires. Letting out a sigh, I walked over to them and began my daily workout. I did push-ups off the stack, tire jumps, triceps dips, and finally tire flips. My face and body began to bead with sweat, but I kept pushing myself until the nerves from my dream dissipated.

"Zahra?" I dropped the tire and looked up at Otis as he came to a stop beside me.

"Hey," I softly smiled. "What are you doing up?"

"I woke up to go to the bathroom, saw you weren't there," Otis answered. "What are you doing?"

"Working out."

"You always work out at two in the morning?"

"Didn't realize it was only two, worry."

"It's cold out here, come back inside."

"I will after I finish this last rep." I squatted down and flipped the tire once more. "So, you're a nerd, huh?"

"Well...yeah, I guess."

"Really?" I flipped the tire once more. "In Battlestar Galactica, what was William Adama's call sign."

BURNED - A Chicago Fire Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें