Chapter Fifteen

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I scooped the last serving of dinner onto my plate and joined everyone at the table. My Chicken Riggies was a hit; some people, Cruz and Mouch to be exact, we're already on their second plates. The day had been busy, to say the least. An hour after we returned from the apartment fire, we were dispatched to a multi-vehicle car accident. The accident was so bad that Boden had to request me to assist as a paramedic rather than a firefighter.

The accident was an absolute cluster fuck. Multiple lacerations, one compound fracture, and one deceased, unseatbelted, distracted driver. Why people continue to text and drive is beyond me.

"May I have everyone's attention please?" Boden spoke as he stood from the table with a pop can in his hand. Today has been hectic, and it's only half over. However, I think everyone can agree that there is someone who needs to be recognized for their hard work today. From saving trapped victims, tending to the wounded, cleaning, and still having time and energy to provide us with lunch and this amazing dinner—"

"So amazing," Cruz said with his mouth full causing everyone to laugh.

"Yes, as Cruz has impolitely demonstrated, we can't get enough of it," Boden smiled. "So, if everyone would join me, I'd like to make it toast to the amazing firefighter, paramedic, cook, and friend, Zahra Bennett."

Everyone clapped, cheered, or both. Well, everyone except Herrmann. Herrmann opted to stay quiet. "Thanks guys," I gently nodded.

"Speech! Speech!" Cruz called out.

"Hell no."

"Come on, Zahra," Capp smiled.

"No way, I loathe public speaking."

"You did a live interview and won't give a speech?" Severide tittered.

"I had no choice on that one."

"Somebody's scared," Mills smirked.

"I'm not scared," I hissed and tossed my dinner roll at him, which he happily caught and took a bite out of.

"What a weenie," Cruz muttered. Everyone but Herrmann, Otis, and Boden suddenly began to chant 'weenie', much to my annoyance.

"Alright alright!" I huffed irritably and rose to my feet. The entire table feel silent. "Well, like I said, I hate public speaking, so don't expect this to be good."

"Weenie," Cruz loudly whispered.

"If I had another dinner roll—" I scowled. Biden loudly cleared his throat, cutting off my idle threat. "Anyways..." I anxiously twirled my ring around my finger. "Today was...pretty fucking crazy."

"Amen to that," Dawson nodded.

"People got hurt, someone died, and two of my friends almost got hurt in an explosion, or worse killed. It was crazy...intense, but very fulfilling. I wouldn't trade this for any other job in the world."

"Oorah!" Capp cheered and everyone but Herrmann clapped.

"However!" I spoke even louder, making everyone stop and listen. "However, today wouldn't have been nearly as successful without such a great team. Personally, I'd like to thank a few of those people, if you don't mind." I cleared my throat.

"First, I'd obviously like to thank Boden. He watches over everyone as if we were his kids, gives us guidance, support, unsolicited advice," Boden instantly smirked. "Today, he made sure to tell me I was doing a good job. He didn't need to, but he did because that's the kind of guy he is. His commendation was the positive reinforcement I needed to get through the stress of everything."

Everyone but Herrmann cheered and clapped. When the sound died down, I continued. "Next, I'd like to thank Severide and Casey. "You both were quick to give orders and organized everyone with master class. I know it helped me focus on the task at hand rather letting me freak out about it being my first fire as a firefighter. You two are absolutely amazing lieutenants and we all are better people and firefighters because of it." Casey and Severide gave me a soft smile of appreciation as everyone but Herrman clapped.

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