Chapter Four

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"Good morning, probies!" Chief Alvarez called out.

"Good morning, Chief Alvarez!" Everyone shouted as we stood to attention.

"Today's the day. Take a good look around you. Those who stand before you passed the written exam, those you don't see did not. I won't waste my time testing those who can't pass the written. So, consider yourselves lucky. However, if you do not finish today today's physical exam in six minutes or less, consider yourself booted from the program. You will have to reapply and do the entire program all over again. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Chief Alvarez!"

"Firefighters are some of the most amazing people there is, in my opinion. Only the strongest and bravest people can become a firefighter because if they're not brave, smart, or strong enough to perform their duties, they're putting everyone around them at risk. Firefighters must have a keen eye at all times and always expect the unexpected. No fire is uniform. If you're here today, you understand those requirements and accept that it will be expected of you every second you're on the clock. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Chief Alvarez!"

"Hollywood!" Everyone turned their heads and looked at me. I looked around in confusion, unsure as to why everyone was staring at me. "I'm not gonna call your name twice!"

"Zahra, go," K'eon whispered. I took a nervous gulp and made my way forward, stopping in front of Chief Alvarez.

"You made quite a performance on the news Thursday." I blinked but remained silent. He was referring to me as Hollywood after all. "You trying to make other firefighters look bad?"

"No, Chief, that wasn't my intention," I answered.

"Think you're better than everyone else?"

"No Chief, it's the opposite."

"Oh, so you're not good enough, huh? Was your time here wasted? Did I not do a good enough job?"

"No, Chief, that's not what I meant."

"And what did you mean, Hollywood?"

"I look at everyone around me and see distinguished firefighters. People who have it in their blood, people who have years or decades under their belt, and people who are clearly stronger than me. I don't think I'm better because I know I'm not, Chief. I am going to do my best and hope for the best just like everyone else here. The only competition here is with myself and that clock, Chief."

"Good. I'm glad you see it that way, Hollywood. Maybe, if you're as good as you think you are, maybe you'll pass this exam in under five minutes."

"Chief?" I said with uncertainty.

"Pass it in under five or you get the first boot."

"Chief—" someone began to protest.

"Finish it in five, give the reporters another good story."

"Yes, Chief," I mumbled.

"That's completely unfair," K'eon protested.

"You wanna do it in three?"

"It's okay, K'eon," I reassured. "I can do it."

"Don't be so sure of yourself, Hollywood," Chief Alvarez scoffed and stepped aside. "You will get geared up, grab the hose, hook it up to the water source and unravel it all the way to the fifth flight of stairs, force your way into the smoke filled room. Once inside, I will turn the hose on and you will use the pile pole to locate the smoldering firewood in the ceiling and put it out with the hose. Then you will enter the next smoke filled room, crawl to the exit, descend down the stairs, and drag your victim across the finish line. Still feel confident?"

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