Chapter Seventeen

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"Don't you think you're going a little overboard with this thing with that grumpy old guy?" K'eon asked as I looked between color swatches.

"He reported me, K'eon. I wasn't doing anything to him and he reported me."

"You said you woke everyone up by working out at 2am."

"That's what he says, I'm not sure who all I woke up. Besides, if he had a problem with it, he could've come directly to me and asked me to stop. Instead, he went directly to Boden. So, no, I'm not going overboard." I let out a sigh. "I can't see it."

"See what?"

"How you think the bathroom would look good green."

"It's not green, is smaragdine!"

"What the fuck even is that?"

"It's like an emerald color."

"So, green."

"It's not—" K'eon let out a frustrated sigh. "Can we forget about the paint for a minute?" I let out a sigh and turned to K'eon. "I'm just worried that this is the one prank that gets you in hot water."

"It won't," I smiled. "I promise."

"If you say so."

"You worry too much."

"Only about you, Zahra."

"Well, no need to worry about me. For now, we gotta worry about this green."

"Green is a color of my home country's flag; it symbolizes hope and prosperity."

"Yes, because with hope I'll be able to drop a massive shit and feel prosperous." K'eon glared at me. "Okay okay, fine, paint the bathroom green, but I call dibs on painting the kitchen."

"No way."

"Then no green bathroom."

"I've had that bathroom planned since the day we moved in!"

"Then it's settled."

"Fine, but if you paint it mauve, I'm kicking you out."

"Oh please," I scoffed. "You know how much I hate mauve. I was thinking wine with a stone backsplash with white cabinets and gold handles." I handed K'eon my color swatches and smiled, but K'eon looked from me and the swatches in silence. "What?"

"Who are you, David Bromstad?"

"Ha-ha, very funny. At least he's cute."

"Excuse me, cute? That man is like your color swatch, wine. Makes me wanna win the lottery just so we can go house shopping together."

"Jesus," I laughed.

"My Lottery Dream Home? More like My Lottery Dream Man."

"Zahra?" I looked over my shoulder and smiled.

"Speak of the devil," K'eon smirked.

"Hey, Lieutenant," I politely smiled. "K'eon, you remember My lieutenant, Matt Casey, right?"

"Who could forget," K'eon smiled and shook Casey's hand.

"What are you doing here, Lieutenant?"

"I'm remodeling my house, came in for a new faucet," Casey explained. "You?"

"Same, but paint."


"K'eon wants to paint the bathroom green."

"It's smaragdine, you ikigoryi," K'eon grumbled. Casey looked at me with confusion.

"Don't ask, he never tells me what it means. For all I know, he called me a Pop-Tart." I laughed. "Anyways, he gets his green bathroom and I get to design the kitchen. It's a win-win situation, I guess."

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