Chapter Thirty Eight

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I put the last dish away and sighed with relief. Everything was finally clean. I had done the dishes, the laundry, the windows, the floors, I even found time to descale the shower heads. It was a slow day, but I didn't dare say that out loud or let it grace my thoughts. It was quiet, most people had already went to bed, aside from the stragglers who were up watching TV or giving the rigs a fresh wash.

"Hey, Spock?" I looked over my shoulder and smiled as Herrmann approached the kitchen island. "Can we talk?"

"Sure." I walked over to the island. "What's up?"

"It's about what happened the other day."

"Right, your wife," I sighed. "I'm sorry about that. I mean, at first it was funny, but I've thought about it and I can see how I've disrespected you and your marriage. It wasn't right, and I'm sorry."

"T-Thank you," Herrmann said with surprise. "Sorry, I just, uh...I didn't expect to get an apology out of you so quickly."

"I admit when I'm wrong."

"As do time," Herrmann slightly smirked. "I'm sorry too. We were just busting balls, you know? You're one of us now, it's what we do." One of them. I couldn't help but to smile. It was the first time I've heard someone say that and it actually resonated with me. Here at 51, I actually felt at home. More at home than I've ever felt with Ladder 15, even Ladder 37, something I thought would never be possible.

"I know," I smiled. "That's what I was trying to do, too. But seeing I don't have balls, I think I messed up the concept of a joke and took it too far."

"Just a bit."

"I mean, I could kiss you if you'd like. You know, even the playing field." Herrmann's eyes widened. "That was a joke."

"Christ, Spock," Herrmann chuckled. "Don't do that to me."

"I'll take a kiss!" Before I could respond, a mustached face pressed against my cheek.

"Eww, Mouch!" I groaned. I wiped my cheek free of saliva and remenants of potato chip crumbs as Mouch walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. "Warn me next time! And wipe your mouth, man."

"Fine. Incoming." Mouch wiped his mouth and kissed my cheek once more. "You're keeping that one." I playfully rolled my eyes and turned back to Herrmann.

"Lots of love around here, can't you tell?" I shook my head.

"Mouch, come on," Herrmann said quietly. Mouch took it as his cue to give us our privacy and returned to his spot on the couch. "So, we good?"

"We're good," I nodded. "I promise I'll refrain from kissing your wife ever again...unless you pay me."

"Not happening," Herrmann smirked. "And I promise I'll stop busting your metaphorical balls about your date Friday."

"It's not a date!"

"Yes it is," Herrmann and Mouch said in unison.

"You know, I love you guys, but you're really fucking annoying sometimes."

"It's part of the family package."

"I guess so. Speaking of Brian, where is he? I've barely seen him around today."

"Yeah, I've noticed that too," Herrmann nodded. "What's up with that? He's normally up your ass."

"I don't know," I shrugged. "He kinda got snippy in the locker room with me earlier, but that's the most we've talked all day."

"Maybe he's upset," Mouch suggested. "I mean, he just found out you not only kissed Herrmann's wife, but you also spent the night with Cruz."

"It wasn't like that!" I hissed. "Besides, why would that upset him?" Herrmann and Mouch looked back at me, each with an eyebrow raised as if waiting for me to figure it out on my own. What were they insinuating? That Otis felt something for me? Not possible. I mean, sure we're best friends, but that? "No way," I scoffed. "We're best friends."

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