Chapter Thirty Seven

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"GET DOWN!" K'eon cried as he pulled me behind a car, laying his body on top of mine. Debris fell all around us, ash filled my lungs, hard pavement pressed into my cheek, my surroundings quickly faded into darkness.

I gasped as I jolted awake. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and laid my head back down, only to open my eyes and come face-to-face with some shoes. I slowly rolled into my back and looked at the opposite end of the couch to see Cruz was sound asleep, his arms folded across his chest as he quietly snored. I slowly sat up and yawned before getting up and going to the bathroom. Once I had relieved myself, I returned to the living room and grabbed the pill bottles, taking them to my room.

Boromir happily yipped at my feet as he followed me down the hall. "Hey, Boromir," I smiled, but then my smile dropped as I froze in place. "Oh no." I rushed to my room and pushed my door open. "Ah shit!" I rushed back to the living room and shook Cruz awake. "Cruz, wake up!"

"What?" Cruz frantically sat up.

"Leon's gone!"

"WHAT?" Cruz launched himself over the couch and ran to my room, only to confirm what I had just told him. "Goddamn it!"

"He must've went out the back door."

"Didn't you lock it?"

"Of course I did, but it's not exactly hard to unlock, Cruz. Opposable thumbs, remember?"

"I gotta go out there and find him."

"He could be long gone by now, Cruz." I rushed over to the coffee table and sighed. "His gun is gone and his medicines are still here. Wherever he's going, he won't be able to do much due to the pain, anyways. He's gonna lay low for a bit, which is the safest thing for him out there."

"Okay," Cruz groaned. "So, what now?"

"Now, you and I get ready for work. We gotta be there in an hour."

"I don't have any clothes here."

"Just wear what you've got on," I motioned to his basketball shorts and white t-shirt. "You've got a change of clothes in your locker, right?"

"Yeah," Cruz nodded. "Spock, I can't thank you enough for last night. I mean it, I owe you big."

"If you wanna pay me back, wash your feet, they smell like corn chips." I quietly chuckled. "Want a ride?"

"Nah, me and my corn chip feet will drive myself."

"Okay, just give me a minute to change and we'll head out."

"I'll let Boromir out while I wait."

"Thank you." I made my way into my bedroom and quickly gathered my clothes, changing into a clean gray dirt, blue jeans, underwear, and bra. I slipped on my tennis shoes and opened my bedroom door, Boromir was patiently waiting on the opposite side. "Bed." Boromir rushed past me and jumped onto my bed and laid down. "Uncle K'eon will be home soon, okay? Be good."

I made my way out to the living room and Cruz and I exited the house. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I nodded as I locked the door behind me.

"Why did K'eon apologize for calling you Wonder Woman last night?"

"It—It's personal," I sighed. "My brother used to call me that."

"What happened, you two have a falling out?"

"He died."

"Oh...shit, Spock. I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's okay."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"No," I shook my head. "It was a long time ago."

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