Chapter Nine

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We approached the property, sirens blaring, lights flashing, ready to put out a potential fire. However, as we pulled into the property, I made two observations: it was an elementary school...and there was no smoke. "Where's the fire?" I asked.

"It said fire alarm, doesn't mean there's an actual fire," Casey explained.

"Probably just some snot nosed kid who pulled the alarm," Herrmann scoffed.

"Probably, but we won't know until we investigate it." The firetrucks came to a stop and we all piled out. A bunch of talking filled our ears and, as I scanned the property, I discovered the entire school had been evacuated and moved to the adjacent parking lot. All the kids were gawking and waving at us. I softly smiled and waved back.

"What are you doing?" Mills asked.

"Kids," I motioned to the other parking lot. "They waved."


"Didn't want them thinking we were assholes," I explained. "Kids look up to EMS workers." Mills looked at the kids, hesitated, but finally smiled and waved. The kids instantly giggled and jumped with joy.

"They're excited."

"I would be too if I was missing a test," I smirked.

"If you two are done playing, can we get to work?" Herrmann asked.

"Sorry, Herrmann," Mills chuckled.

"Zahra, with me," Casey ordered. I quickly rushed to the front of the group. "It's probably a routine call, but I still want you at my side at all times, got it? If I back up, my ass better be in your lap."

"Yes, Lieutenant," I nodded.

"Every call is a learning experience, even the bullshit ones." We all made our way inside and I instantly smiled. Large art pieces were taped to the walls as well as the school's pledge and tiny flags for different countries. It reminded me of my own elementary school, but a lot more artsy.

"Squad, you take the east wing, 51 will take the west. Radio if you find anything and make sure the building is clear."

"Got it," Severide nodded. "Squad, on me!" Capp, Cruz, and Severide all took off towards the east wing, leaving Casey, Herrmann, Mouch, Mills, Otis, and myself to take the west wing.

"Anyways, like I said, sweep the rooms, clear the building, look for the source. Any questions?" Nervously, I raised my hand. "What?"

"I'm sorry if it's not my place, but Squad only has three people and we've got six."

"Oh, good, she can do math," Herrmann tittered. "Maybe she can do the kids' homework while we're doing the real work."

"I was just saying that the teams are a little uneven, won't that precipitate a problem if this isn't a false alarm?" Casey stared at me blankly. "I mean, if something happens to one of them, sure the other two could handle it, but if something happened to two of them or all of them, we won't know."

"Something could happen to all of us, numb nuts," Herrmann scoffed. "It's part of the job."

"It's a good observation," Casey noted. "Unfortunately, Squad only has three people. Are there spots open? Of course, but it's a pain in the ass to get picked. Now, may we continue?"

"Yes, Lieutenant," I nodded.

"Alright, let's move." I followed close behind Casey as everyone began searching the rooms. One by one, people would sound off and confirm that the classrooms and bathrooms were indeed empty.

"No fire," Herrmann shrugged.

"Still waiting for word on the gym."

"And the cafeteria," I added.

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