Chapter Twenty Four

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"Zahra, why is there over two hundred dollars missing from your account?" K'eon asked as he entered my bedroom. He stopped and looked at me. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Working," I answered.

"You're supposed to be sleeping." K'eon walked over to me and leaned against the wall. "You haven't been sleeping much, you know."

"I've slept," I reassured. "I slept plenty at the firehouse."

"Right, because a firefighter always gets the required amount of sleep while on shift."

"Sorry, I'm almost done."

"And what is it that you're doing?"

"We have a class coming in for a field trip today, I'm responsible for the tour and presentation."

"Boden left you responsible for a group of children? Lord help them all."

"Hey," I whined. "Kids love me."

"Yeah, but if you're gonna be with them most of the day, they'll be singing show tunes by the time they go home."

"Rude," I scoffed. "And I don't sing show tunes."

"And I'm the president of the United States. If I wasn't gay, my parents would be so proud!" I threw a pillow at him and laughed. "Ouch! Help! Police!"


"Call the secret service! Call the army! Somebody call Oprah!"

"Okay!" I laughed. "Okay, fine, I sing show tunes! Just stop!" K'eon reached down into the box beside my bed and pulled out a handful of tokens.


"The kids will earn them and can spend them."

"How many tokens do I need to spend a day with Casey?"

"A million."

"Psh, he's expensive. I figured I'd have to pay that much for Severide, but Casey?" I took the tokens back from K'eon and put them back in the box. "I'm worried about you, girl."

"I'm fine," I insisted.

"Then go to sleep. You gotta be up in six hours to get ready for work."

"Maybe I could use a couple of hours of sleep," I groaned and rubbed my eyes.

"Eveating okay at work?"

"Yeah, everything's fine."

"You sure? You usually come home and go on and on about your day or how you annoyed Herrmann."

"It was just a busy shift," I reassured.

"All the hangovers probably didn't help, either."

"I didn't even mess with Herrmann yesterday, we were just so busy."

"I bet he was happy"

"Too happy," I chuckled.

"You think maybe you should lay off a little?"

"Maybe..." I mumbled.

"'You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Sorry, I'm really tired, can we talk later?"

"Okay," K'eon sighed and made his way over to the door.

"Hey," I softly smiled. "Good luck on your fist day tomorrow. You're gonna be great."

"Thank you, Zaha. That means a lot to me." K'eon smiled exited the room and I finished packing away all the things for the field trip. I turned off my light and crawled into bed. A warm, heavy pressure rested next to me and huffed with exhaustion.

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