Chapter Forty Four

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K'eon opened his eyes and looked around. Darius had left for work before sun up, but I stayed behind. I called Boden and told him that I was at the hospital with K'eon and that I'd be a little late. He understood and opted for giving me the day off, much to my appreciation. I didn't want to leave K'eon's side, not until I knew he was okay...not until I had what I wanted: a name. "Where's Darius?" K'eon yawned.

"Work," I answered. "He seems nice."

"He is...I'm sorry I didn't tell you about him."

"I just don't know why you kept him a secret. We tell each other everything. You've told me about every fling and one night stands you've ever had, what makes him so different?"

"I actually like this one. He's not my normal go-to guy where I'm just looking for a quick hook up. He's nice, funny, genuine; for the first time, I feel like I've met someone I actually want to spend my life with. I was just afraid that if I announced it that it would jinx it, you know?"

"I get it," I nodded. "Is he good to you?"

"He's amazing."

"Then I fully support you."

"Thank you," K'eon softly smiled. "How was your da—" I glared at K'eon. "—Movie outing?"

"It was great," I admitted. "The movie was great, we ate burgers and popcorn, we went to Molly's afterwards; it was fun."

"No funny business?"

"None whatsoever."

"Well that's lame."


"What? I figured he would've at least made a move or something."

"Brian is a gentleman."

"Obviously." The space between us fell silent.


"I know what you're going to ask me...but I can't."

"Why not?"

"I can't start shit that I can't finish."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Do you know the asshole who did this to you?"

"Exactly. Which is why I can't say shit."

"Is it the same asshole who gave you that busted lip and black eye?" K'eon averted his eyes. "It was someone from 20?"


"K'eon, you need to tell someone! They can get it taken care of!"

"I can't!"

"Tell Boden, tell your lieutenant—"

"I can't, Zahra!" K'eon snapped. The room fell silent. I was angry. Why was he keeping who hurt him a secret? He knew who it was and said he doesn't want to start shit...but who was it? My face softened. It all finally started to make sense. The previous bruises, the injuries he's sustained now...why he can't go to his lieutenant...

"I-I gotta go." I slowly stood up from my seat and made my way for the door.

"Where are you going?" K'eon asked.

"I'm—I gotta go to work." Without another word, I exited the med bay, ignoring Antonio as I walked past him and out to my truck.


"Where's Zahra?" Cruz asked after Boden finished roll call.

"She's still at the hospital with K'eon, so I gave her the day off to be with him," Boden explained.

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