Chapter Twelve

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I frantically sat up in bed, my hair clinging to my face as I scanned the room in panic. Where was he? He was just here. I jumped as two tiny paws pressed on my thigh, but relaxed as a wet tongue gently licked my nose.

"Boromir," I softly spoke. My heart began to slow as my panic subsided. It was just a dream. I saw Jamal, he was right in front of me, crying out in pain, begging me to help him. I looked at my phone and sighed, it was only five in the morning. I carefully sat up and checked the weather on my phone, satisfied that it was a clear morning at fifty-four degrees, perfect weather for a run.

I quietly got up and changed into one of my running outfits, pulled a pair of sweats and a jacket over it, and turned to Boromir. "How do I look?" Boromir obviously didn't respond. "I'm not trying to look good for anyone, I'm just going for a run." Boromir laid his head back down on my bed. "No I don't know any safe areas. I grabbed my phone and did a quick GPS search of nearby gyms. A small smile crept onto my face as I saw one gym was located a mile away from 51.

Boromir quietly huffed. "I'm not going to bother them at work, Boromir," I scoffed. "I'll just drop off some donuts for everyone. I mean, it'd be rude to be in town and not stop by to say hello, right?" I exited my room, shutting the door behind me, and got ready in the bathroom, putting my hair into a pineapple updo, brushing my teeth, and putting on some orchid and blackberry deodorant and black cherry merlot body spray. I left a quick note on the kitchen table letting K'eon know I went to go workout, not like he wouldn't have guessed it anyways, grabbed my gym bag, and finally left, locking the door behind me.

I quietly drove my truck through Chicago, following my phone's GPS to this place called Donut Vault and got two dozen regular donuts. I stopped off at a nearby gas station and picked up a couple half gallons of chocolate milk as well, deciding that if you give a firefighter a donut, they're gonna want some chocolate milk.

I pulled up to the firehouse and, to my surprise, Chief Boden was standing outside, his eyes shut as if he was trying to calm himself down. I hesitated, but climbed out of the tuck and made my way over to him. I wasn't exactly quiet, but even then, it didn't seem like he noticed I was there.

"Chief?" I softly spoke. Boden's eyes suddenly opened and he looked over at me with confusion.

"Zahra?" Boden responded. "What are you doing here?"

"I was in the neighborhood," I lied. "Thought I'd bring everyone breakfast before heading to the gym."

"Oh...that was very kind of you."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes...actually, I was thinking about you, if I'm being completely honest." My face instantly flushed. "Oh, no no no, not like that," Boden smiled with embarrassment. "I was thinking about how I spoke to you today. I'm still not happy about the fitness challenge...but if you think it's necessary to earn respect, then you have my blessing."

"Thanks, Chief," I smiled. "But I think I'm gonna pass. You were right to be mad. Possibly throwing away the opportunity you've given me was disrespectful, and I'm sorry. I'll earn my respect another way."

"I know you will," Boden smiled even bigger. "Well, all that looks heavy, let's get it inside." Boden took the milks from me and led me inside to the kitchen where, to my surprise, nearly everyone was already gathered to start their day.

"I am never eating chili again," Cruz groaned.

"I didn't think it was that bad," Mouch smiled.

"Of course you didn't, you were the one farting all night," Dawson grumbled.

"Hey, it's not my fault he served us beans."

"I'll make a note to put chili on the list of banned foods," Mills informed. "I don't think we can handle another night of Mouch's gas."

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