Chapter Thirteen

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"Candidate's back!" Cruz called out. Cruz walked over to me and gave me a one-armed hug. "Missed you around here. No donuts?"

"No donuts," I laughed.

"Pft, you suck."

"Hey, Zahra," Dawson smiled as her and Shay waved at me from their ambo.

"Hey guys," I smiled back. I was slightly anxious about coming back to 51 after everything that went down last time, but everyone was being extremely nice, settling my nerves to the lower part of my stomach; not completely gone, but ready for the unexpected.

"How was your time off?" Shay smiled as I made my way over to them.

"It" I chuckled. "My friend and I got a lot of work done on the house, so it worked out in the end."

"You know, Casey has a lot of construction experience, maybe he could help you. Right, Dawson?"

"...Right, yeah." Dawson nodded.

"I might ask him for some advice later down the line," I nodded. "My friend and I used to work for a charity he started where we rebuilt homes destroyed by fires."

"Really?" Shay smiled. "That's so cool."

"Yeah, so the experience helps us a lot here."

"Who is this friend, anyways?" Say asked. "Herrmann told us that you live with a man."

"Herrmann told you about his visit?"

"He wanted to make sure we knew he tried to make amends for what happened. Though, it was poorly done, if I say so myself."

"He tried," I chuckled. "And yes, I'm living with a man. His name is K'eon, he moved here from Rwanda back in the 90's."

"Rwanda?" Dawson asked.

"Yeah, he was fifteen or so when they moved. He and his parents were smuggled out of the country when the Rowandan genocide first started."

"Wow...poor guy."

"Is he cute?" Shay asked.


"What? I'm just asking."

"Very cute," I smirked.

"Are you two a thing?"


"Oh, not for me," Shay laughed. "I'm a lesbian. Like, flaming gay, lesbian."

"Oh, well, join the club. K'eon is, as he calls himself, a flaming homosexual."

"So, you're single?"

"And obviously straight," Dawson mumbled under her breath.

"Yes, I'm single and yes, I'm straight, Dawson."

"Damn," Shay sighed in defeat.

"Roll call!" Boden called out from inside. Shay and Dawson hopped down from the ambulance and I followed them inside.

"So, Mouch is having a birthday party?" I asked.

"Begrudgingly, but yes," Shay answered. "Why, you thinking about going?"

"Not sure. It still feels odd for me to pop into friend events being as new as I am."

"I get that," Dawson nodded. "Well, you're invited no matter what."

"Cool." As I entered the conference room, I was met with instant smiles, except from Herrmann, who chose to look away.

"Zahra," Boden smiled. "Glad you're here."

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