Chapter One

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"Late again, Bennett?" Lieutenant Chad Williams chuckled from Squad's table as he read from his paper.

"Actually, right on time, Lieutenant," I smirked.

"A firefighter isn't on time unless he's early."

"Good thing I'm not a firefighter yet."

"You're still on that?" Duke Harris asked with a scoff. "You do realize they make that test easier for women, right?"

"Just because they went easy on you means they're gonna make it easier on the rest of us ladies?" The room filled with snorts and giggles.

"Yeah? Keep that sass, girl. It'll keep you alive here but, out there, it'll only get you killed."

"Roll call, everyone!" Lieutenant Enzo Jiménez called out. The Squad table rose to their feet and made their way inside, but Harris stopped in front of me and leaned in close.

"Just forget about becoming a firefighter, Bennett. Nobody here's gonna respect you. Your best bet is to stay on your ambo and in the kitchen."

"Wow, sexist comments at work?" K'eon chastised. "I wonder what Chief Jackson would think, seeing you're already on his shit list."

"Of course you'd be a snitch."

"I'd snitch on you any day if it got your ass out of the house. And trust me, pink is not your color." Harris rolled his eyes and made his way inside.

"Did you just threaten him with a pink slip?" I chuckled.

"Man, fuck him! Fucking pig. Ain't nobody gonna fuck with my home girl. He's just mad because he was told if we become firefighters his position in this firehouse is at risk."

"Well then, it looks like we're gonna have another reason to celebrate."

"Damn straight. Us becoming firefighters and Harris getting thrown out on his ass." K'eon roughly pat my shoulder and we headed inside for roll call.

"You're late," Chief Jackson scowled as we entered the briefing room.

"Sorry Chief," I apologized.

"You two better have a good excuse."

"We were busy picking up the shattered remains of Harris' pride off the floor," K'eon explained with a smirk.

"You got something to say boy?" Harris growled.

"What? Me? Oh no, I don't have anything to say. It's just funny watching you squirm in your boots knowing your seat in the house is being questioned. With two up and coming firefighters on their way in, that is."

"Enough!" Chief Jackson intervened before Harris could get another word in. "K'eon, Zahra, see me after roll call." We quietly took out seats. "Now, may I continue?"

"Yes, Chief," I nodded.

"Good." Chief Jackson cleared his throat. "Call out. Zahra Bennett."

"Sir," I answered.

"Curtis Frye."

"Sir," Frye answered.

"Bryson Greer."

"Sir," Greer answered. Greer was the newest firefighter in the house; he's been with us for two years now.

"Duke Harris."

"Sir," Duke answered, his narrow eyes glued to the back of K'eon's head.

"Enzo Jiménez."

"Sir," Lieutenant Jiménez answered.

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