Chapter Eight

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"We have two lists," Otis explained. "One for firehouse essentials and the other for personal requests. That's usually paid on our end and they have to pay us back."

"Okay," I responded.

"Relax, they're always good for it." Otis handed me a cart. "Why don't you do the essentials, that way you can meal plan for the week."

"Okay." I took the cart and list and made my way through the aisles.

"You okay?" Otis asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"You've been off since your conversation with Severide. Is it because he called you Bennett?"

"No," I sighed. "He kinda chewed my ass for making an observation."


"Yeah, I guess he's planning—"

"Mouch's birthday party," Otis nodded.

"Yeah. I made an observation of what I thought he'd like and Severide got defensive."

"Ohh, okay."

"That's it? Okay?"

"Well, I mean, he shouldn't have chewed you out for making an observation. Severide can get a little defensive sometimes, especially when someone questions him and his judgment."

"Yeah, I kinda gathered that."

"You're coming, right?" I stopped the cart and grabbed ten boxes of pasta and tossed them into the cart.


"The party. You're coming, right?"


"What? Why not? There's gonna be food, drinks, music, and it'll be a great chance to get to know your coworkers better."

"I'm not exactly a party person...or a get-to-know person."


"Yeah. Sorry, I just like my privacy."

"Oh...okay. Cool." I continued down the aisle and grabbed a large bag of flour and placed it into the cart as well as a large bag of white rice. "I'm just gonna...go take care of my list." Otis walked away and I entered the next aisle, grabbing ten cans of tuna.

"Oh, I know you ain't playing hooky already." I looked up and forced a smile as K'eon approached me. "Girl, you've been at work for an hour."

"I'm not playing hooky," I scoffed. "I'm grocery shopping."

"Yeah, I can see that. Well, they warned us that being a candidate wasn't easy."

"Yup." I continued down the aisle as K'eon followed along side me. "How's the house going?"

"Good," K'eon answered. "It'd be going better if it weren't for that damn dog though."

"What did Boromir do?"

"Every time I try to sweep, he's chasing the damn broom. I put a rug down, he attacks it. I start laundry, he barks at the washer for being too loud."

"He's a pup, what did you expect?"

"To live in a house with no dogs."

"Do you want me to get rid of him?"

"No," K'eon sighed. "It's just an adjustment period."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure." I instantly smiled. "What?"

"You like him."

"No I don't."

"You do, you just won't admit it."

"I don't like the damn dog."

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