Chapter Forty Three

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"Hey, look what the cat dragged in," Herrmann teased. "A couple of love birds."

"Ha-ha, very funny," Otis scoffed.

"How was the movie?" Dawson asked.

"Fantastic," I smiled. "I hope they make a fourth one." Cruz grabbed Otis and looked him over before doing the same to me.

"They're clean," Cruz nodded.


"Cruz was betting you two would come back covered in hickies," Shay rolled her eyes.

"Wow, did he bet money?"


"Good on him," I smirked.

"You guys want a drink?" Herrmann asked.

"I'll take a beer," Otis nodded.

"Same," I smiled.

"I thought you said you were bringing K'eon with you?" Mills asked.

"I was, but when I got home from shift, he said he already made plans. Some guy he met at a bar."

"Oh?" Shay smirked.

"Yeah, I guess he really likes this one, so he's not doing his normal, as he calls it, fun and run."

"Eww," Dawson cringed.

"Hey, I've been there," Severide nodded. "I get it."

"We know," everyone retorted, causing the bar to fill with laughter.

"Hey, I'm not a manwhore."

"Really?" I smiled. "When was the last time you got laid?"

"Uh...before I got sick, why?"

"What was the girl's name?" Everyone turned to Severide, waiting for an answer.

"Oh come on, I know her name," Severide scoffed.


"It's—when was the last time you got laid?"

"Don't go off subject!" I laughed.

"No way, I like this subject better!" Cruz laughed.

"If you must know, it was an ex boyfriend."

"Okay, but how long ago?"

"I don't know, 1999, I think."

"WHAT?" Everyone in the room exclaimed, making me jump.

"Zahra, that's seventeen years!" Capp informed.

"Yeah, and?"

"How has it not shriveled up yet?"

"Fuck you," I laughed.

"Someone needs to."

"Capp!" I gasped.

"Not me, but someone! Seriously, seventeen years? How can anyone go that long?"

"Technically, virgins can," I laughed. "I wasn't a virgin when I met him, either, so don't even start, Cruz."

"What was he like?" Dawson asked.

"He was a nice guy. Got good grades, you know?"

"I didn't ask about his personality."

"Ooooh, tea!" Shay cheered. "Spill it, girl!"

"No way!" I protested.

"You might as well," Otis chuckled. "They won't stop bothering you about it."

"Fine," I grumbled. "He was...okay."

BURNED - A Chicago Fire FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang