Chapter 37: Upgrades

Start from the beginning

"Look out!" I suddenly heard Bakugo yell, and turn around and see a large chunk of boulder falling towards All Might.

I can see Midoriya already running to the boulder, so I take off to All Might at a lightning fast speed and create a dome over him. The boulder was destroyed by Midoriya, but my dome shielded All Might from the smaller pieces as they fell.

"Are you alright, sir?" I ask the retired Pro as I dissolve the dome and Midoriya joins us, asking a similar question.

"I am thanks to you two, wonderfully done." All Might smiles proudly at us both. Everyone gathers to congratulate us on the save and on Midoriya's new moves, but I notice something different about Eijiro.

"Sleeves?" I ask my boyfriend, running up to him and shamelessly feeling the new fabric covering his previously bare arms he had in his hero costume.

"Yeah, I thought it would look cool, ya know?" Eijiro says sheepishly, and I grin at him.

"Super manly. Thanks for not covering up the sexy torso part though." I wink at him, and then grimace at myself. "You don't know this, but I winked at you. I flirted with you, it was hidden. I am checking you out shamelessly." He blushes a deeper red with each awkward sentence I say to him.

"Thanks, Bubbles." He says shyly. It doesn't help his embarrassment that several people are within hearing range of us, but most of the class is used to my random comments by now. Only Eijiro knows the difference between my word vomit and my actual flirting. Somehow.

"Wait, Todoroki?" I spot the half and half boy nearby gripping his new arm braces that look... exactly like mine. "Did you copy me?" I ask him with a teasing grin, walking over and tapping his new braces with my own.

"No, this was simply an efficient means to block incoming attacks." Todoroki answers plainly, but he subtly can't make eye contact so I know he's not being entirely truthful. I hum knowingly at him, then I leave him and go back to my clone, and then I get an idea.

"Sir, can you stand on the other side of the gym for me?" I ask Ectoplasm, pointing to a spot about 100 yards away. He nods and moves into place, and I float up into the air with my scythe.

I had this idea a while ago, but I haven't gotten around to testing it until now. As I'm floated there, I used the basic concept of my arm crossing attack I use and I created two layers of wind along the hollow blade of the scythe. I mentally kept it there, going faster and faster along the surface as it made almost a whistling sound from the friction. I spun my own body in a circle to build up momentum, and then I released the wind from the edge of the blade.

My aim wasn't perfect for my first attempt, but the concept worked. I may have missed Ectoplasm's body, but the high speed arc of sharp wind cut entirely through the wall a few feet to his left. The whistling stopped the second I shot off the attack, and the wind made no noise as it travelled until the moment it impacted the wall.

"Very impressive." Ectoplasm says as he rejoins me. "With some practice on aiming, that could be your second ultimate move. What will you call it?"

"Wind Scar." I grin at my teacher, proud of my achievement. Then I immediately start thinking of other potential names. "Silent Scream? Whistling Abyss? Singing Decapitation? Maiming Winds? Sneaking Assassination? Screaming Blades of Death?"

"Those are getting worse." He deadpans at me. "Wind Scar is a fine name."

"Right, thanks." I chuckle sheepishly. "Uh, the other one I'm just calling Ultimate Defense, is that ok?"

"Aptly named. Let's perfect them both now." He says, then we resume our training. Mei came at one point to observe the weapon in action, and she was satisfied with her 'baby'.

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