Chapter 34: Room Contest

Start from the beginning

"I like it a lot." I smile warmly at him, and he returns it for a moment completely casually, then his eyes grow sad again. I know we still have to talk, so I don't push it for now with all of our classmates here, and instead we move on to the next room.

"Lover... I worried your simplistic minimalist nature would someday affect your bedroom life... I just didn't think it would affect it like this." I observe my masked friend's room that has practically nothing in it. "I'm going to get you a sealed black box with a suspicious keyhole to keep in your room."

"Why?" Shoji asks me worriedly.

"It doesn't have to have anything in it, it would just add an insatiable intrigue to any future partners of yours when they enter your room. They'll go mad trying to guess what kind of kinks you have stored in it. You can thank me later." I tell him with complete sincerity. I don't wait for a response either, I just leave the room with everyone giving me worried looks.

"Seriously, how are you so perverted?!" Several voices cry out to me as we walk up to the next floor.

"Oh?" I turn and look at the confused faces of my classmates. "You've never asked before, have you? I get bored in my home often, and my caretaker has the best book collection. He's the closet perv, blame him." I tell them truthfully. Makoto may wrap his books in fake covers, but it doesn't change the contents of them. I had to find something to entertain myself with when Inasa was training with dad growing up.

"It's always the quiet ones." Mashirao mutters out. He's wondered for years, he's just never out right asked me before. It was my own entertainment that he kept wondering silently to himself, so I never told him it was Makoto.

Sero's room was next, and it blew all of our minds. Sero has always been the type of person who didn't really fit into one box before, and his personality is sometimes hard to peg. He's friendly to most everyone and while he can be pushy like Mina, he can also be laid back like Mashirao. He can get excited like me, but also be supportive like Kirishima. So it really shouldn't have come as a surprise that his room showed a lot of culture and depth, but it still did. He even replaced the entire curtain mount and the light fixture in his room to match the aesthetic.

In an almost equal amount of impressive aesthetic was the final boy's room, Todoroki's. He also replaced parts of the room's structure by redoing the flooring with Tatami mats and making the room feel like a formal Japanese home. It actually reminded me of my own home, and now I'm kind of jealous he has the mats and the style and I didn't think to do this. Not that I was given the option to design my room very much, but still. My home has always been heavily traditional Japanese style because that was my mom's favorite, so that's what I've always grown up with.

There was just one odd thing about his room though.

"Um... Todoroki, where's your bed?" I ask in confusion after a moment of taking in the room with awe.

"I have a futon stored in the closet." Todoroki answers casually.

"You're going to take your bed out and set it up each and every day?!" I ask a lot louder, not believing him at all. "That's too much effort."

"Hard work." Is his only answer. I just kind of sweat dropped at the overly serious boy and walked away.

The girls side was next and started on the third floor with Hagakure. Her room was super girly and pink everywhere, I didn't really know what to think. It was really not my aesthetic at all, but I'll give her props for completely using her own furniture and what not. Jirou's room was next and was much more interesting in my opinion. She had music and instruments lining her walls, and she completely decked out the ceiling and floor in checkered designs, completing the punk rock look she was going for.

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