"Wanna hug it out?" Dorinda asked her baby sister and she had nodded her head yes hugging her older sister back.

Now after the two girls had made up they started talking about Greg and how it basically affected them.

"But Karen are you sure you wanna take that to the grave with you?" Dorinda said knowing that they was only taking it to the grave because of Karen.

"Dorinda what does it look like for me to tell them that I had an STI at 13?!" Karen said.

"But Karen keeping that secret from them is eating you up and apparently me too because I know if it's weighing down on me then it's weighing down on you and we didn't even laugh at you about peeing the bed." Dorinda said.

"Because if anything that's not something to laugh at and for it to still be happening to you we know that it's something serious that you need to work on now did you even tell Dr.Womack?" Dorinda asked her and Karen just had looked down sadly at the floor but her stomach was kind of blocking it since she was pregnant.

"No. But I think she already knows." Karen pouted.

"Karen I think it will make you feel better if you talked about it." Dorinda said.

And just sighed fighting back threatening tears.

"But I can't." Karen cried.

"And I don't want anybody getting mad at anyone because it wasn't like they could stop it from happening no way." Karen wept wiping her tears.

"That's why I never brought it up in court that would've been too much of a shock and I haven't told, Drew about it yet like he knows about the other STD's but not about that one." Karen told her because that STD was like forever it would just flare up every now and then which is why she had to continuously take medicine for it and it was like Greg had ruined her life before it even started. 

"But Dorinda what if Drew gets mad at me for not telling him earlier?!" Karen panicked.

"Karen past history shows that Drew is NOT going to get mad at you. He knew what the consequences and risks were when he was marrying and he did it quickly." Dorinda told him.

"I even told him if he marries you he have to be prepared to know that there's somethings that you haven't talked about yet that's a health risk. He knewww what he was doing." Dorinda told her. "And if he gets mad screw him because he knew what this life was going to entail when he first married you." Dorinda told her.

"I'm just glad that Ki and J.Drew didn't get it." Karen said knowing that it could've affected her babies if it had flared up at the wrong time but she was taking her medication for it.

"You're still taking your medication now for it aren't you?" Dorinda asked her knowing that Karen had to start taking medicine for it when she was 13 and she has never been off of it except for when she had to go live with her father and was kicked out on the streets.

But then, Dorinda had to go with her to the doctor so Karen could get back on it and then she had took her to the pharmacy. That was just one of the STD medications that the rest of the family members didn't know about.

And having herpes could still very well affect Karen's current pregnancy but she was managing it as she always been.

"Yeah I am. I'm still trying to manage it." Karen said.

"Then it should be okay Drew's very understanding." Dorinda told her.

"I know but it was just that those years when I was away and when I was working for Big J and being in that brothel working was painful." Karen said because that's when it had flared up for her the most.

"It felt like I was dying every single time I was having sex with somebody and what made it even more worse was the trains." Karen said still beating herself up for letting that happen to her.

"Ughh I wanted to die back then I really wanted too." Karen said.

"Sometimes I would just hope and pray that Big J would just kill me for something stupid that I did but he never would although it always came close to it but God would never answer my prayers for that." Karen said. "I'm kinda glad he didn't because I wouldn't be home now." Karen said.

"And no matter how much we fight I'm a still be there for my sisters." Karen said and Dorinda just hugged her baby sister since she was now sitting on the side.

"And me too." Dorinda said.


What did y'all think about this chapter?

What did y'all think about Dorinda and Karen apologizing to each other?

What do y'all think about Dorinda wanting Karen to tell her secret because lowkey Dorinda probably can't hold it no more even tho it's not hers to tell?

What do y'all think about Karen having herpes should she tell Drew? And no, Matti didn't know that Karen had got it from Greg at first because Karen was still too afraid to tell anyone that it was him who did it.

Do y'all think that Karen should tell the rest of the family?

Thoughts or Comments?

Thanks for reading!

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