Then Daphne grabbed her by her collar. 


"D-Daphne, please...Just listen a little-"


"B-Bell?" She looked my way for help.

"Sorry, but by the looks of it, you're gonna tell us not to go, and I need to go. I won't comprise on that, so sorry,"

My apology didn't really feel like one from me or to everyone else but they all got the meaning, that no matter what happened I was going to find Lyu.

As we went down we left guards at each floor entrance to alert us with a magic item if she comes into contact with any of them, and before I even knew it we were on the 25th floor.

"The sight is just as beautiful as it was last time," Mikoto said with a slight blush

"Yes!" Haruhime cheerfully agreed.

Suddenly though the group in front of us stopped. 

"Let's take a break here, after that we should split up. These floors are too big to look around with only one group," The werewolf eyed me as if saying 'Now don't follow us!'

"Bell?" Lily looked at me

"I'm going down. If we're gonna take a break then now is my best chance to get a headstart,"

"..." After a second of contemplating Lily nodded


Lily perked her head up when I called her

"Try to do some more thinking for yourself, I understand I'm the leader but do what you feel is best,"

That was my last piece of advice before I bolted past everyone else and went further into the dungeon, everyone was left slack-jawed at my speed beside the people in my party though.

I ran down, trying to find a place that could be used as a hint in order to find her. I had roughly 30-45 minutes of a headstart. After that, the group will likely start to move again.

I looked for any stain of blood, a scratch on the dungeon wall, or a footprint but couldn't find anything.

"Could I maybe find her?"

The Her I was referring to was Marie. She could easily find where my party was last time so I feel like she should be able to find her.

Not knowing where to start I ran down to where I saw her last time. She pulled out a  bra to cover herself there so I imagine that would be where "Home" was to her.

After about 20 minutes of running, I arrived and there she was on top of the rock.


She immediately swam over to me and leaped out of the water to wrap me in a hug.

"Hey, sorry but I'm in a bit of a rush. Do you know where I can find an Elf girl? They're the ones with the pointy ears. The one in question has a wooden sword as her main question,"

If Marie turned up nothing then I planned to turn back. Marie could communicate with monsters and if not one monster happened to see her then the chance of her coming down to one of these floors was so low that it wouldn't even be worth it to consider the possibility.

Marie gave a quick nod at noticing my seriousness and started to sing again.

After a rather long song this time she came back to me. "She is one floor down, follow me!"

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