chapter 62

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do y'all remember that time chenle and daiyu were supposed to film the last episode of their chemistry vlog?

yeah, well we all know that they ended up catching up on everything that had happened during the time they didn't talk and once again didn't manage to get anything done.

so for the nth time, the two had met up in daiyu's dorm, with the objective of finally getting the recording over with.

and this time, they made sure that things would go smoothly.

daiyu already had everything set up half an hour earlier, and also made sure to shoo yua out of the dorm.

eventually, chenle arrived with his notes, and they decided to run through it once without filming first.

hearing him do their intro again after so long felt weirdly nostalgic to daiyu, especially since it would be the last time.

there was actually something that had been on her mind ever since she realised that they only had one more espisode left to film (which was a day before going out with chenle and renjun, so four days ago).

because sure, they were friends now, but what if chenle would just kind of stopped talking to her when the project was over?

they wouldn't have any reason to meet up anymore.

now of course, they had meet up quite often without the excuse of filming, and mostly it was initiated by chenle, but her paranoid self couldn't help considering it.

"daiyu? is something wrong? you kind of missed your line."

she was ripped out of her thoughts.

his worry slightly threw her off guard, as she didn't expect him to notice her zoning out in the first place.

but they had agreed on being honest now, so why not just tell him the truth? (because it's embarrassing, lol)

"i don't know..."


daiyu stuck her tongue out at him, feeling like a child.

"it's just, that i feel like we'll probably drift away after this is over. we won't have to meet up to record, so will you even still talk to me?"

she knew that the question was ridiculous, but she didn't quite expect him to react the way he did.

because that bastard just laughed in her face.

"how cute! you're worried about losing me!"

daiyu could feel her face getting hot.

he ruffled her hair, something he knew she hated.

"don't worry, you aren't getting rid of me just yet. we still have a murder case to solve."


"don't you think we're kind of biting more than we can chew with this whole blood shifting thing?"

chenle hummed — though not in agreement. it was more a sound of aknowledgement.

"i'm not backing out. but i'd totally encourage you to do so, you're in much more danger than i am, after all. it'd would probably be smarter if you don't get involved much more. i don't really want to see you hurt again."

"like hell i'm letting you do this alone."

her answer was immediate.

"actually — what are we doing? do you have a plan?"

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