chapter 26

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chenle stared at the phone on his bed in utter disbelief.

'i read that wrong, didn't i?'

there was simply no way that daiyu had just asked him that. what happened to her usual mean and snarky self? had one of her friends taken her phone? that japanese one in jisung's year seemed like the type to pull something like that.

'what if she actually needs help? i would be an ass to not do anything just because i thought it was a prank.'

and since he had an agreement with himself to not treat her as badly as he used to, chenle reached for his phone and typed in an answer.

was he in the mood to walk through the whole campus for this? no, definitely not. but it was almost 11 pm, and the walk to the boy's dorms from where hers was located wasn't all that short. he was not going to take any risks.

and there was also another thing that he seemed to not have thought about.



the taller boy peeked his head out of the bathroom, shirtless and with a toothbrush in his mouth. his light brown hair was standing up in all directions.

"you're going out, right?"

the second year couldn't suppress a grin at the younger one's appearance.

jisung's words were slightly unclear because of the toothbrush in his mouth, but chenle still managed to make out what he answered.

"mhm... iwl be owt in a wiuete."

or at least he was pretty sure he did.

"you'll be out in a minute?"

he got a mere nod, before the sixteen-year-old returned to the bathroom.

chenle threw on a dull green hoodie over his pyjamas, not caring that it didn't really match the red checkered pattern of his pants and grabbed his keycard.


when he arrived in the hallway where daiyu's dorm was located, he saw that she had already been waiting for him, leaning against the wall next to the door.

and to his amusement, her attire was about as fashionable as his own.

"nice pj's, zhao."

he had originally said that to poke fun of her, not expecting her to laugh at his comment.

"i know, right? hello kitty all the way. but you're almost making me competition with that truly innovative colour combination."

he couldn't help but chuckle too.

that was one of zhao daiyu's positive traits that he only really had been starting to notice since making peace with her. she would rarely ever take an insult seriously and simply clap back with one just as silly. matching people's energies seemed to be something she was good at.

to him, that was one of the best traits a person could have, as he was one to make stupid comments and remarks quite often, without actually meaning them.

that said, he couldn't really get behind the reason for him having acted so pressed around the girl.

"so, tell me; what on earth is going on in there for you having to resort to staying over at mine?" he questioned as they started walking towards his dorm.

'i can't possibly tell him, oh my god. what do i say?!' the girl was slightly freaking out.

"nothing that important... haha. yua has a friend over and i kind of want to avoid them for now."

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