chapter 51

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daiyu hadn't managed to get any sleep that night.

about an hour after she had reached her dorm and gotten ready for bed, yua had arrived there too, carrying her things that she left behind in hyewon's dorm.

of course, the japanese girl had immeadiately noticed her best friend's state, and as always offered to talk.

though she didn't feel like talking right at that moment — maybe the next day —, daiyu still very much wanted a hug. and yua was more than willing to give that.

but it also reminded her of chenle's face when she had tried hugging him. it hadn't been a look of disgust like you might have expected, but more of resentment and fear.

'why would he be afraid of hugging me though?'

staying awake in class without having slept even just a minute in the past — let's say 36 — hours had been one of the hardest things she'd ever done.

she had to ask seon-ok to poke her with a pen whenever she felt that she was drifting off, though there seemed to have been a bit of miscommunication there.

daiyu had thought that the girl would just poke her arm or something, not to try and stab her eye out.

but at least it did the job; she was wide awake everytime it happened.

like every wednesday, she finished classes a little earlier than any of her second-year-friends, giving her yet again some alone-time.

this time, she decided to spend that in the school's garden.

the garden had got to be one of her favourite places on campus. it was this huge space in the middle of the different buildings that made up NSOE, that had large lawns, as well as pretty flower installations and benches to spend your break on.

one of these benches was where daiyu decided to sit down on that afternoon, that ended up not being much alone-time anyway.

"daiyu! i've been searching everywhere for you!"


she looked around, trying to find the owner of the voice.

her vision was slightly blurry at first, since she had her eyes closed ever since she sat down, but still she managed to recognise the figure that was walking towards her.

"oh. hey seonwoo."

surely he noticed the lack of enthusiasm in her voice, yet it didn't seem to bother him.

he simply sat down on the bench next to her and began talking again — about something daiyu definitely wasn't in the mood for.

"you see, i heard of what happened with zhong yesterday."

now how the actual hell did he know that?

"mhm? i wasn't aware that people knew of that."

what she didn't see, was how seonwoo's eyes widened a little, since he knew exactly that there was no gossip about the conversation (if you can call it that) that had occured between the two chinese shifters.

in fact, it was really just his nosy, eavesdropping ass that had listened to it.

"uhhh, yeah... i mean i heard someone talk about it but maybe i misunderstood it and they were saying something completely different...?"

daiyu didn't feel like answering.

"the whole situation is fucked up, really. how could he poision that girl? are you really going to keep hanging around a guy like that?"

again, the electricity shifter kept quiet, though she could feel herself getting charged with both anger and saddness at the boys words.

"you won't, right? he's dangerous, yu. a murderer."

she wasn't sure if it was the nickname he called her by, or the fact that he had just labelled chenle as a murderer that made her speak up.

frankly, she was not liking the conversation and seonwoo's behaviour in general.

"he's innocent."

seonwoo snorted.

"and how do you know that? can you prove it?"

"i know him. that proves enough for me."

that didn't seem like the answer kim seonwoo was hoping for.

"in no way is that valid, daiyu. people aren't always what they appear to be."

'he might as well be talking about himself.'

"you should drop him. he's not good for you, might ruin your reputation as well."

daiyu had to hold back from laughing at that last statement. what did seonwoo know? chenle had been there for longer than him, despite their rough start.

"my reputation is bad enough as it is. haven't you heard of my father?"

zhao haoyu, the governement-infiltrator. the case had caused quite a scandal back when it happened. eventually, it had been revealed that he had been blackmailed by some shady organisation. that had been enough to make people not completely shame him, but it didn't redeem him either. and that was of no good anyway, since haoyu was currently on the run from those who had blackmailed him, because he did betray them at the end.

it was very unlikely for seonwoo not to have heard of him.

"i- well- yeah, but people in school like you, that's what i mean."

very mad about seonwoo badmouthing zhong chenle, daiyu didn't really want to keep talking to him.

"whatever." she muttered and stood up.

"see you around, kim seonwoo."

she walked back inside, letting a single tear slip down her face. quite honestly, she didn't get why everyone seemed to be so against chenle.

'or is it just seonwoo?'


last day of springbreak, and i'm honestly so sad about that :( i'll be back in hell tomorrow i guess

but luckily, there's a few legal holidays here in switzerland (at least in my canton) so i'll have like 3-4 day breaks every now and then lol

and summer break is the longest break we get so i'm really excited for that too

i was honestly also going to talk about the free fansign the dreamies did but yeah...

like, i'm so happy for everyone there but i'm also kinda jealous bc i couldn't even go to the concert and y'all get to see them for free 😭

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