chapter 3

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"did you hear that chenle, she was staring at you, the electricity girl!"

jaemin had a bright grin on his face, nudging his friend with his elbow as they started walking towards the cafeteria.

"huh? who?"

chenle did honestly not know what the blue haired boy was talking about.

"did you seriously not pay attention?! professor jang literally went 'miss zhao, stop staring at mr zhong' in front if the whole class and you didn't notice?"

did he? guess i really wasn't listening...

"no i didn't." chenle deadpanned. "and even if i heard, i would still not care. why are you in my class anyway, aren't you a third year?"

"that's because he failed history last year, and now they're making him take your history classes in his free periods."

huang renjun — also a third year student and friend of them both — joined the conversation.

"so tell me, chenle, what is it that you wouldn't care about?"

"chenle was too busy daydreaming of his crush to notice the professor calling out a girl for staring at our lover boy here!"

lover boy rolled his eyes. "shut up, jaemin."

but jaemin only kept going. "no, i'm serious, if he keeps doing that he's gonna end up like me, or even repeating his whole second year."

renjun on the other hand had focused on another part of the story.

"so you don't deny that you were thinking of your crush? i'm starting to get sick of this, just man up and confess!"

chenle's ears were beet red by now, partly because of anger, but mostly it was because he was embarrassed.

"will you stop being so loud, especially when talking about my love-life?" he whisper-yelled at his friends.

that only made jaemin laugh harder. "what love-life? you kissed a girl on vacation five years ago and think you have a love-life? my boy, you really need to step up your game if you want to use these big words."

next to him, renjun nodded in agreement. "confess to hyewon and maybe then we'll talk about thi- ouch!"

chenle hit him square in the face with the book he was about to put in his bag.

an ugly crunching sound was heard, indicating that chenle had probably broken renjun's nose.

"what the fuck was that for!" he held a hand under his nose, trying to stop the blood that was now flowing out of it.

"you'll be fine, just go to the nurse office." chenle shrugged, placing the book in his bag. "ew! now i have a blood stain on this!"

"ugh, seriously? i thought renjun was the one with anger issues..." his blue haired friend mumbled, before grabbing chenle by the arm to get him to the cafeteria.

but he didn't even budge.

"jaemin... you didn't take my wallet, did you?" he questioned, eyes still not leaving his bag.

"uh, no? why would i? but come on now, i'm sure it's somewhere in there, you can search for it later."

chenle didn't even think about moving. "no, no jaemin, you don't understand! i have some pretty private things in there. things that would leave me absolutely dead if someone else got their hands on them."

"oh don't be like this, what could you possibly keep inside your wallet? condoms?"

"do you want a broken nose too?"

"ok... so no condoms." jaemin seemed to take his threat serious this time, considering that their other friend was now in the infirmary because of chenle.

"no, oh my god, why would i even... it's something else. i... i might have writtenadraftsforapossibleconfessionletterforyouknowwho?"

"was i supposed to understand that?" jaemin raised his eyebrows.


after that, the two teens continued their way to the cafeteria, though chenle's mind was still on his wallet and what would happen if someone other than his friends had it.

that would be his absolute downfall. not only would hyewon know about his intentions, but so would probably the whole school.

how did it even get out of my bag? i take extra care of it now that the damn letter is in there.

"okay chenle, now be honest with me. what even made you think that carrying around love letters in your wallet is a good idea?"


chenles eyes widened. "you heard?! how fucking good is your hearing?"

jaemin giggled. "what can i say... i'm just too good for this school, am i not?"

the chinese boy gave him a blank look. "yeah, that's why you're failing history."

and that's how he ended up having to run the rest of the way, trying to get away from a furious jaemin who was chasing him with a shoe in his hand.

when did he even take that off omg?

chenle finally arrived at the cafeteria, desesperately looking around for a place to hide before jaemin got there.

but he just had to come in right at that moment, one newbalance trainer pointed at chenle, the other one on his foot.

"alright, alright, i'm sorry about what i said! you're amazing at everything you do! you're way too good for this school!"

jaemin dropped his weapon, putting it back on his foot.

"that's what i wanted to hear." he nodded, satisfied with his friend's apology.

but the other boy was staring at someone- or something - a few tables away from where they were standing, not paying attention to jaemin anymore.

"you thief!"


lmao chenle casually going around breaking noses-

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