chapter 6

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zhong chenle.

34 people in her class, but she had to work with zhong chenle.

daiyu tried everything; she asked the teacher to change her partner, tried switching with another group (the prof noticed), hell, she even tried acting as if she wasn't zhao daiyu at first.

the last one especially didn't work, and so she had to accept that there was simply no way out of the situation.


daiyu whined, rolling around in her bed to face the younger girl.

"what the fuck am i gonna do?"

she sat up, cross legged and rested her head on her hands.

on her own bed, yua did the same. the girl let out a deep sigh, not very excited for the weeks of daiyu grouching and complaining that were ahead of her.

"daiyu babe, i hate to disappoint you, but you and i both know that there's no getting out of this. you just have to ignore anything bad he does and get through there like the bad bitch that you are."

daiyu slightly cringed at her choice of words, knowing exactly that her japanese friend only referred to her as that to tease her.

"but what if he's actually good at chemistry? i just know he's gonna bully the fuck out of me if he sees how bad i am."

"we don't even know if he's good. your marks are almost on an intermediate level because of seon-ok, so maybe he's like that too?"

the chinese girl layed back down in bed.

as much as she wanted to believe her friend, daiyu was sure that her theory was wrong.

when choosing a topic, chenle had definitely sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

"no, yua. he's definitely good."

yua stood up from her bed and walked towards the mini kitchen all dorms had. she opened the door and took out a box of banana milk — daiyu's favourite.

now everybody would think that the gesture was sweet and thoughtful, as yua could see how much her friend was suffering, but this is still yua were talking about.

without a second thought, yua threw the box straight across the room, hitting daiyu's head, exactly like how she intended.

daiyu groaned into her pillow.

"fuck you and your aim."

yua just laughed it off and took a bottle of apple juice out of the fridge.

she leaned against the counter, calmly sipping her juice.

"you should probably get up now, it's five past eight already."

another groan was heard.

"but i don't want to gooo."

"i know."

yua would probably never admit it, but she was quite worried about the situation herself.

"what if they kick me out?"

the younger friend stiffened.

"they won't."

or would they? quite honestly, there was a rather high probability.

daiyu had been going around causing trouble in school ever since she stepped in there, and there sure had to be a limit to the director's tolerance.

don't get this wrong, daiyu had been called to the principal's office hundreds of times already, it was just that the last time she was there, she had been giving a warning.

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