! bonus chapter !

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sooo, in honor of the 50th chapter of adomania being published(yayyyy), i have decided to write a little bonus :)

i thought it was time for something happier after all the fights and stuff there's been lately.

it is related to the actual plotline, but i guess you'll figure that out while reading.

have fun!


i'm sure we all basically know daiyu's night routine by heart now. (at least when she doesn't happen to get assaulted by blood shifters or has to cut some nosy chinese boy's hair)

so after her usual shower-overthink-skincare-complain-about-her-hair drill, she found herself lying on her bed again, scrolling through instagram.

her hair was still wet, dampening the pillow that she'd later have to sleep on, but whatever.

it had been a pretty uneventful day for daiyu. just classes and annoying chenle at lunch — which eventually lead to them both annoying the rest of their friends together.

aside from those of chenle's friends that usually joined the girls' table, lee donghyuck had been in the mood to eat with them that day.

and that had made the whole thing a lot more chaotic.

after her afternoon classes, daiyu and yua decided that it was time to dine in the cafeteria again, since they were too lazy to cook anything that day.

daiyu had thought of calling up chenle for a moment. he did offer to cook for her sometime, didn't he?

but that would've been a little awkward.

so the rest of the evening — after two servings of thai green curry — had been spent in the library.

mid-term was basically knocking on their door already, and that meant sleepless nights and no free-time to all of the students at NSOE.

and then she had talked with her mom over the phone a little.

she was doing well back in china, and told her about a guy that she had recently met.

in the first year after her parents' divorce, daiyu would've had a pretty hard time hearing something like that. but enough time had passed, and she wanted her mother to be happy.

so she said that she'd definitely want to meet the guy once she got back home for her break after the exams, and then proceeded to tell her about the chemistry project with chenle.

and now she was kind of bored, not really wanting to sleep, but also too lazy to actually do something.

in the bed opposite to hers, yua had her headphones on (as always) and was knitting something.

a fact about yua that daiyu had found quite comical when first getting to know the japanes girl, was that she had a hobby of crocheting, which had resulted in all of her friends owning a lot of bags or hats or even just cute little keychain-charms made by none other than yua herself.

though daiyu's personal favourite were the tops she'd make. she couldn't wait for summer, when it would be warm enough for her to wear them again.

the sound of her ringtone ripped daiyu out of her thoughts.

'who the fuck is calling me at this hour?'

okay, to be fair, it was only 11 pm, but daiyu didn't get many calls in general.

she picked up her phone and turned it on, dropping in right back on her bed in shock.

incoming facetime call from 'the devil'

ADOMANIA || zhong chenleWhere stories live. Discover now