chapter 8

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it was monday now.

daiyu had already made it through her first detention (she didn't have to go on thursday since that's a training day) and had successfully avoided chenle around school.

the last thing she wanted was to have to talk to him.

but the problem was; monday was also a training day.

now to clear things up, this was how their usual training day would go:

07.30 — element-specific training
(they trained their powers in groups of people who shifted the same element)

10.30 — conditioning
(just absolute hell)

12.30 — lunch break
(the best part of the day)

14.00 — combat training in mixed groups
(actually fun, except if she was paired up with an earth shifter.)

at 18.00 they would finally be dismissed.

and now the dangerous part; in the mixed group training, daiyu quite often got paired up with someone from zhong chenle's class.

she had never noticed, not until seon-ok had pointed it out to her the last time they trained.

now if that wasn't enough, her teacher liked making her work with air shifters, as it was an element that she didn't have an advantage over.

and knowing herself and her luck, the chances of daiyu having to work with chenle that afternoon were just too big.

"yua i don't want to go~"

the japanese girl rolled her eyes.

"you've been saying that for the past ten minutes now, babe. and i actually heard you the first time."

lucky for them, monday was the training day all grades shared, and thursday was the same for first and second years — just like how third years and seniors shared the training grounds on fridays —, so they would get to stay together for most of the time.

the two arrived at the gym rather early. that's where the day usually started with a quick warm-up, and then the students would split up into their element groups.

although they were there before time, quite a few students had already gathered in the gym.

"oh? yua? what are you doing here? the first years are warming up in gym 2 with the third graders." hyewon approached them.

she was dressed in the school's summer gym uniform, just like the other two.

daiyu didn't like it a lot, but it was comfortable enough, consisting of black shorts (one could choose the lenght, daiyu and yua both went for a basketball-short-length) and a shirt in the school's official colour; pearl neo champagne.

usually students would personalise their uniform a bit. some girls would tuck their shirts into their bras to give the look of a crop top, others would wear the school sweatshirt over it, some — like yua — would even wear something long-sleeved underneath the shirt.

"seriously? and no one even bothered to tell me?"

yua puffed her cheeks out and gave daiyu a small pat to the back, before exiting the hall.

"looking hot as fuck, hye! chenle better watch out, or i might try to steal you away."

dragging her away from the door to walk over to the bench hyewon had placed her things on, the girl laughed.

"so are you. but y'all should really stop with the chenle jokes. i haven't even talked to him since wednesday."

she sighted audibly.

ADOMANIA || zhong chenleKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat