Their strength is far greater than ours, and the possibility of winning is higher. Even if our team survives to the end , and it’s hard to escape the fate of sparring.”

    These words were actually full of comfort, but He Hai Xiang’s face still collapsed: “Okay, I’ll quit.”

    Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

    "However, as the current general manager of Bai An, I have to warn you: you are all executives of the company. During the acquisition period, the company will maintain normal operations. Each of you has a lot of work on your hands. MBO is a private matter, please Don't take up work time."

    "Of course." Everyone said.

    Seeing He Hai Xiang leaving angrily, Min Hui asked, "He's gone, who will take his place?"

    "Ma Xin."

    Cao Mu said, "I started communicating with him after AIMax. He has an uncle For coal mine business, you can lend him money. For the coal boss, 2.4 million is a small amount.”

    Ma Xin is the HR director of Bai An, and he has a good relationship with He Hai Xiang and is very close, and he is considered He Hai Xiang’s direct descendant. But he is more ambitious, so he can't be said to be loyal.

    "I'm a little worried." Min Hui raised her hand and said, "Cheng Qi Rang has threatened me twice, saying that Guan Chao International is determined to win the acquisition of Bai'an. Do you think the offer of 132 million yuan is enough?"

   "Enough." Yan Cheng Li said, " AAR The estimated value for us is only 90 million."

    "90 million? Is it too conservative?" Xu Guang Jian said.

    "Cheng Qi Rang asked this person to be very pragmatic. He won't spend money recklessly to be taken advantage of. Threatening you is just to make us retreat."

   Cao Mu said, "But just to be on the safe side, maybe we can increase the quotation a little bit. "

    "How much did you mention?"

    "162 million, so there is a better chance of winning."

    "It's 30 million more, who do you want?" Yan Cheng Li asked.

    "Let's try BBG's Xin Qi first."

   Cao Mu said, "He has heard Min Hui's report and expressed his interest. There is a lot of money in hand, Min Hui, why don't you give him a call?"

    Min Hui was embarrassed, shrugged and said, "Sister Cao, we have already rejected him once, how can we go to him again?"

  "  He is a businessman, so he won't care about these things."


    " You try it first, if it doesn't work, I'll ask President Xie of Fenglin Capital to see if he can add a little more."

   " I..." Min Hui lowered her head, "Okay."

    After returning from Bei Jing, Min Hui and Xin Qi has been in a state of cold war.

    No phone calls, no WeChat, and no videos. She tried her best to arrange the time when she and Su Quan were alone outdoors. Even when going to sleep, she would coax Su Quan to sleep in her bedroom first, and then carry her sleeping son to the room where the camera was installed, so as to avoid "air chatting" with Xin Qi.

    Gradually, she found that her worries were unnecessary. At the other end of the camera, Xin Qi's voice never came again.

    After two weeks like this, she learned in a conversation with Yun Lu that the BBG Asia-Pacific branch has begun to move from Bei Jing to Bin Cheng in an all-round way. come over.

    "Where does he live?" Min Hui asked curiously.

    "Park Hyatt Hotel."

   Yun Lu said, "Recently there are a lot of things. He often travels between Bei Jing and Bin Cheng. A few days ago, he went to Singapore and New York."

   "Yes. "

    Ethan misses Quan Quan very much, during the day he often make video calls with him. It’s just that he has been too busy with work recently, so he has not had time to come and see him in person.”

    So he tried to avoid her as much as possible...

    Early the next morning, Min Hui called Xin Qi, and after three calls, there A cold voice came: "Hello."

    "Xin Qi, I'm Min Hui."


    "I heard from Yun Lu that you have moved to Bin Cheng?"


    "You are welcome to visit Su  Quan at any time ."


    "I'm looking for you because of Bai'an's affairs."


    "Sister Cao Mu asked me to ask you, are you interested in investing 30 million in our Bai'an's MBO? We will submit a proposal soon Yes, the current competition is fierce, and we are worried that the quotation is not high enough."

    "Min Hui, what did I say when I saw Mr. Cao last time, have you forgotten?"

     Xin Qi said calmly.

    "I don't have a good memory, what did you say, tell me again?" "

   " I'll give you my final offer. And I said, if the offer is invalid, I won't consider it again in the future."

   " Such a good business, Why don't you think about it?"

    "Because I keep my word."

    "I'm just asking if you're interested. There's no need to say harsh words. It's your own regret that you don't invest."

   " I don't regret it. Goodbye."

    Min Hui said angrily The microphone cursed: "FXXK!"

    "Hey, I haven't hung up yet."

    On the other end of the phone, Xin Qi said coldly.

    "I'm teaching Quan Quan English, he asked me how to say 'fork', I said, FORK."

    "Please don't teach my son to speak foul language, he has his own English teacher, thank you."

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