"I almost forgot," Xin Qi said with a smile, "You graduated from Huaqing University. Why didn't you stay in Bei Jing? Don't you like it?"

     "I'm from the south."

    She turned her head to look at him, and the night fog seemed to fill in Her eyes said, "I can't stand the dryness in the north."

    "Which cities have you been to since then?"

    "My first job was in Bin Cheng. I also had the opportunity to stay in Bei Jing at that time, but my mother was ill.

   Among them, Guan Chao paid the highest salary, and he was working on medical-related projects. I happened to be interested, so I went to Guan Chao."

   " Then how did you meet Cheng Qi Rang? He was already the CTO at that time. How many ranks higher than you in position?" Xin Qi asked.

    Min Hui was silent.

    "About your case, I've read various reports - they all say that the public is right, and the mother-in-law is right. It's hard for outsiders to judge. After all, there were only two people present when the incident happened. And during that time, you were indeed very respected by Cheng Qi Rang He was reused and promoted very quickly. You had meetings and business trips together, so there were some guesses..."

"—It's   reasonable, isn't it? He's so handsome, so talented, an executive, and Zheng Lan's son-in-law— ——Why do you have to look at me? It must be me—a poor girl from a big mountain—who wants to climb high to seduce him, want something from him, and bite back if I don’t get it, right?”

    “That’s not true  . "

      Xin Qi was startled, "I just want to know what happened between you and Cheng Qi Rang? What kind of relationship do you have with him?"

  His voice was calm, and he felt that it was reasonable to ask such a question .

    Her heart began to sink.

    "I don't want to say it."

    "Why not?"

    "Because I don't want to repeat those details over and over again, just to satisfy your curiosity, or to supplement your knowledge. For me, every time I tell you, it hurts again. "

  "  ..."

    "About what happened to me, media reports cut out the complicated and simplified, idlers are just looking for talking points, and opponents use it to make waves... But now I just want to forget about it quickly and continue to live!"

    She took a puff of cigarette forcefully , "After all this happened, want to find the meaning of life and the joy of life - do you know how difficult it is?"

 "   I know, of course I know..." he murmured, "Don't forget that I am I grew up in an orphanage."

    "Then why do you still ask me?"

    She lit a cigarette ash and sneered, "Worried about being jumped by a fairy?"

  "  I just don't understand, since you and Cheng Qi Rang once went to court, normal people. When it comes to this kind of relationship, why would he want to buy your company? And you, according to my opinion, are smart and powerful, why did you follow his way?"

    She was dumbfounded for a while, watching the night mist slowly float up and float between her and Xin Qi, turning into a thick veil.

    "Did you guys like each other before, or is he a...Control Freak?" "

    Your subtext is: Cheng Qi Rang likes me, and in order to get close to me and get me, he will pay a lot of money to buy Bai'an? Xin Qi, why don't you write romance novels?"

    “Of course I know that you are very successful in scientific research. Well, he is not for you, but for your project, your results, and your DS1.0.”



    “AI In the field of medical care, Guan Chao started earlier and worked hard for a long time. Cheng Qi Rang is still very knowledgeable. In recent years, Guanchao’s biggest competitor is Dong Li Group. Take the lead in this field."

    "So, Cheng Qi Rang's snatching of Bai'an has nothing to do with feelings?"

    "It's just a business."


    He glanced at her silently, and suddenly took the cigarette out of her mouth. , sucked up by himself.

    "Hey, you can't smoke, you have heart disease!"

    Min Hui yelled while reaching out to grab it, but was blocked by his arm.

    "It doesn't matter if I smoke one, I won't live long anyway."

     He smiled, probably because he had never smoked before, and coughed twice due to choking on the smoke. 

    Min Hui took the cigarette butt from his mouth and threw it on the ground, and stomped hard.

    "Xin Qi, if time can turn back, there will be no Su Tian between you and me..."

    Min Hui put her hands in her pockets, looked up into his eyes with firm and fiery eyes: "Will you fall in love with me?"

    He refuse to answer.

    "If Su Tian and I stood in front of you at the same time, and she never saved me, and I never owed her, who would you choose?"

  "  I choose Su Tian." He didn't even hesitate for a second.


    Her heart ached, "Aside from the past that you both shared, don't you think that I am actually more suitable to be your girlfriend in all aspects?"

  He was very close to her, when he heard this , the body suddenly took a step back.

    "Excuse me, where did you find the confidence that you are better than Su Tian? If it weren't for Su Tian, ​​I might still be blind by now, or I might have already been lying in the grave. May I ask you to fall in love with someone with heart disease? Blind? It was Su Tian who accompanied me through the most difficult days in my life! It was she who gave me the feeling of family and family! It was she who helped me find opportunities to change my life! It was her..."

     His voice began to choke , "Do you think there is only family affection between us? No, we are in love. Because of loneliness and hardship, because we have no one to rely on, so we fell in love earlier and more stupidly, that's all! But that's love, it's true! I promised her that I would come back to marry her and give her a home - I knew it would happen, I shouldn't have left in the first place, with me by her side... -->>

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