The Final Attack

249 2 0

Ship: Beetho
WC: 252
Warning: Blood, Death, War, Gunshots all mentioned

93 days have passed since the final attack. Yet I still feel like the pressure is strangling me.

I huffed as I peered at the popcorn ceiling, when would this stress stop. When would the constant fear stop? Is the attack really over? How do we know if we really won?

I let out a soft sob as I thought about the blood stains, the constant pain emotional and physical, all the fighting and all the death.

I felt like I could still hear the gunshots. I slowly slipped into a curled up ball position, cradling myself slightly. I felt like everything was the same as it was back then.

I pressed my head into my knees. Soon hearing a slight creak open slightly. A tall bulky figure stood, looming over me.

I couldn't help but have flashbacks to the worst day of my life. "P-Please don't h-hurt me…" I whimpered slightly as I felt something press against my back.

"It's okay Etho, it's just me…" the voice was soft and calming. I peered up at Beef and as my eyes began to sting.

As Beef pulled himself to the carpeted floor, I began to lean myself against the older male. Everything about him made me feel more comfort. I don't know why but it did. I couldn't be more grateful for my boyfriend at this moment.

Beef hummed slowly as he pulled me into a soft embrace.

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