Demise with a conscience

311 8 4

Ship: Bad boys (Not really a ship)
WC: 363
Warning: Bullying involved
Floof and Angst

Sitting in the back of the room, I couldn't escape the negativity and hatred that consumed the world. Voices taunted me, echoing in my head and reminding me that I was the target of their hate. Despite my efforts to push them aside, their words weighed heavily on me, sucking me further into the endless spiral of sadness. Why did everyone hate me? I was left with this question, a constant reminder of my isolation and despair.

As I gazed up through my fingers, shadows towered over me. A crowd of people mocked me with their laughter. "Have you been dumped, blonde? That's pitiful," a white-haired figure taunted. The words stung me deeply, and I winced. "Leave me be," I muttered to myself, silenced and dejected. “But that's no fun” The voice laughed, but this time the voice came from a short man, with tan skin. Yet with his clique he was terribly scary.

As they kept mocking me, taking in every detail of me that they saw as negative and mentioned it. I could feel their eyes look at me as I felt their words punch me. “String-bean” “Blondie” “gay kid” Everything was being thrown at him making it feel like all his emotions were being stirred up and about to burst.

Then a voice overtook them all. “Go away…” The voice sounded tense. So I looked up at the owner of the voice, it was a male in a black lether jacket, with 3 pins that lead down the seam. A red, yellow and, green heart. Glasses hovered on their face. As I saw the group of figures back away, someone appeared. Their eyes were a deep red, as they started to kick the people in the shins so they would leave a bit faster.

The voices went soft, “You okay timmy?” I nodded slightly in response. “Do you want me to beat them up Jim? Even if you say no ill still do it.” A slight chuckle exited Joel as he spoke. “Yeah, after all. No one ecan mess with the bad boys.”

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