The sorrow Goodbyes

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Ship: Etho x Cleo??
Warning: Some arguing and a kinda toxic family

Ethos Eyes stung as he could feel the tears begin to form. Cleos stare was harsh and filled with pain, she had Bdubs and Scar tucked away in her arms as she sobbed silently. “Please.. Just leave Etho. You are only hurting this family.” He peered at her feeling like his whole earth was shattering. “Can I atleast say goodbye to them..? After all, I am their father.” He spoke his voice croaking as Cleo let her grip of the two boys release.

Etho peeled off his mask as he pulled Scar and Bdubs into a hug. Kissing the top of their heads. “Hey boys.. Just know dad is gonna be gone for a while. But he will always love you.” He said softly before Bdubs voice quivered out the words “W-Where are you going? C-Can I come with y-you?” Etho stood straight up lifting his mask and shaking his head before getting ready to walk out. Tears flooded down his face like a waterfall. He had to oppress the tears in front of Scar and Bdubs as he didnt want them to fear. Cleo stepped outside right behind Etho. “Come back once you understand what you've done…” Etho just looked at his feet and what was up ahead as he kept walking away from his once home.

Etho smiled as he watched tango and impulse argue about which one of them was the better redstoner, they had been going on like this for 5 minutes already until they both looked over at Etho and said “ Etho, which one of us is better at redstone? If you say Impulse I will light you on fire…” “ Personally I'd say I am the best at it” Both Tango and Impulse looked at each other and then teamed up on ETho before Skizz broke up their squabble to inform them on a note that had appeared on their front porch.

Skizz looked at Etho handing it to him as he started reading it aloud it had written out “Hello Etho, haven't talked to you in 5 years. I hope that you've started to understand what you did to our family and we want you to come back. Even if it's just a one time visit. The boys need some closure. You can bring your team if you desire. Just please attend - Love Cleo”

Etho scrunched up the paper before throwing it to the ground. “Etho? What do they mean by ‘What you did to our family’?” Impulse asked as his voice shifted tones. They sat in silence for a minute after that question. “Etho.. if you don't answer we will kick you out. This seems serious buddy..”

Ethos bloodshot eyes looked up at the stern faces. “T-That note, it's from my f-family. Cleo is the mother of Bdubs and Scar. My kids.” His eyes stinging as all the memories he had suppressed came back to him. “Why didn't you tell us? Are you okay?” Skizz questioned in a softer tone, he knelt to ethos side as he leaned against the stone bricks. “I didn't say anything because they hated me. And I don't want to be reminded of that.”

“Etho.. we are here for you but we will be visiting them for your kids. They need you” Skizz stood numbly peering down at this mushy man who had looked so tired. Tango stepped forwards lending a hand to Etho to pull him up from the ground. Ethos hands were sweaty from the sudden stress of the situation. As he regained his balance he walked south.

“Okay.. we will visit them but you guys are coming. Just in case I need you..” Ethos voices cracked in every word said. The 3 other males trailed behind him. Impulse put his hand on Etho's shoulder as they walked up the tough terrain to see a staggering tower that had a large clock at the peak of it. They stood at the door giving it a harsh knock.

All the memories he had of this place flooded back to him before he was hit back into realty by the door shifting open. A shaggy hair figure stood there giving him a death stare before allowing him to enter. Two others sat at the end of the table peering at him. “Hey… Dad it's been a while… hasn't it?” The mellow voice said. “Yeah it had Bdubs”

As the silence arose Skizz said “So are you Ethos kids?” The two brown hair figures nodded with a subtle frown. “It's nice to meet you. Im Skizz ""And this is tango and Impulse” He said pointing to each of them. “Well I'm Scar, that is Bdubs. And that's Mom.. Cleo.” He sent a hand out to shake each of the ties members.

“Well, take a seat. We would love to get to know you.” The bright orange haired mother said. Etho took  a seat at the end of the table across from Cleo and next to Impulse and Bdubs.
As Bdubs peered at Etho he just broke. The flood gates broke open. “Dad, why did you have to g-go?” His voice was staggering. “The ties looked concerned as they looked at etho also curious about why he left. “You see.. I-I was a bad father and it wasn't safe for me to stay” Etho stood up and went to his son and pulled him into a tight hug. “I'm sorry , Bdubs. I hope you remembered what I said to you before I left though. Because it's still true..” Tango looked over at Scar then at Etho and said “What did he say?”

“He said he would be gone for a while. But he would always love us.” Scar said sadly peering down at the table as he finished talking. Cleo peered over a scar and said to him quietly “You know that's not true right Scar, he left you..” Cleo had meant to say it quietly but failed too. Etho pulled out from his embrace with bdubs and stared at Cleo.

“C-Cleo, did you tell them that I chose to leave? Because that's the furthest thing from the truth.” Cleo looked shocked and just nodded “You didn't have to go Etho '' she said, biting back at his comment. “You kicked me out clean, I never wanted to go. You told me that I didn't understand them enough to be a parent to them. I wouldn't have left if you didn't make me..” Skizz had to jump up and calm him down before his stand, something he would regret.

“You're blaming me Etho!? It's not my fault you were a crappy parent that didn't care about them. And you scared them whenever you took off your mask, you couldn't stay if you just were hurting them.” Cleo felt regret as soon as she mentioned the mask. At the comment Etho ripped the mask off his face and stared at Cleo. Before walking out with team ties following.

Bdubs tried to get up to run to his father but He felt something grip his back. Cleo was shaking her head at him. “Bdubs, see I didn't make him leave. He just got up and left again.” Bdubs felt a sharp pain in his chest. As he lifted Ethos mask from the table and gripped it.

Scar had just been sitting there in solitude for the whole argument. Tears slowly dripped down his cheeks. As he whispered to himself “I love you Dad, I always will and always have. Even if you left us” He looked up at the door to see his father in the distance walking away. He grinned.

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