A Forever Beast

295 4 1

Ship: Jizzie & Flower Husbands & Olix
WC: 576
Warning: Kinda suicide-
Angst and Floof
(I'm on a empires obsession rn, I'll post a hermitcraft ship soon lol)

With a grin on my face, I unsheathed my sword, and my companions Pix and Scott quickly followed suit. Lizzie, Jimmy, and Oli pulled out their bows and shields, as we needed to ration out our supplies. We knew that we had to be prepared for anything, and we were ready to face any challenge that lay ahead of us. With a sense of determination in our hearts, we set out on our adventure, ready for whatever may come our way.

Emerging from the darkness like a nightmare, three ominous figures materialized before me. Their scythes gleamed dully in the dim light, lending a sinister air to their already fearsome presence. I attempted to maintain my composure, but inwardly trembled at the sight of them. How could I hope to stand up to such terrifying things? Shivers ran down my spine as I took a deep breath.

The figures emerged from the shadows, causing Lizzie to gasp for breath and the cat hybrid to whimper in fear.
With a swift movement, I stepped backward and positioned myself next to her. I clasped her hand, ready to provide support in any way possible. She held the shield firmly in front of her, protecting her chest from any potential harm. We stood together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in our determination to emerge victorious.

SLight growls came from Scott as they inched closer to him and Jimmy, he pointed his sword to the chest of the shorter person. All though Scott showed that he wasn't scared we all knew he was. But he'd also protect Jimmy at all costs so he wouldn't hold back, at least not now.

I peered back at lizzie, she looked terrified. As the figures eyes were a deep red, that pierced into the souls of them.

"Ill protect you Lizzie." My words provided her with some comfort; the whimpers subsided as her breathing returned to a steady rhythm. Knowing that I would be there to shield her from harm, Lizzie could finally let go of her fears for a moment. It was a small offer of assurance, but in that moment, it was enough to bring her some peace. As I tried to make her feel more comforted, I was terrified. We were going to die, surely.

Facing the beast, fear was absent from me. Instead, a sense of serenity enveloped me. I accepted that sacrificing myself to safeguard Oli was my sole purpose in life.

I lifted my sword to point to the person, they were pitch black with ruby red eyes, and tall horns with red tips.

"Wanna make a deal?" They spoke with a slight laugh. I quickly peered to Oli was was shaking his head,everyone else except me thought I shouldnt do it, but I would hear him out.

I hesitated, staring at the ominous figure before me. "What kind of deal?" I asked cautiously, tightening my grip on my sword. The creature's lips turned up in a sinister smile as it spoke. "You give me your soul, and I'll let the others go free" My heart raced as I considered the offer. Was it worth it? Could I trust this...thing? I took a deep breath and steeled myself. "Deal," I said firmly, lowering my sword.

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